Tag Archives: paul zukunft

Note to LGBT Activists: Stop Saying Military Opposes Transgender Ban

Ashley Broadway-Mack of the LGBT-activist AMPA has been at the forefront of claiming US military leadership has “opposed” President Trump’s ban on transgenders in the military. In a recent press release, she repeated the most common refrains — which are the AMPA’s conveniently twisted interpretations of what was actually said:

Military commanders have already gone on the record as being opposed to this move.

That statement is outright false. She does not cite a single “military commander” who is “on the record” opposing the President, and not one has.  To do so would have been national news, as a uniformed military officer opposing his Commander-in-Chief is a significant — and potentially criminal — offense.  It hasn’t happened, yet Broadway portrays it as foregone.  Further: Read more