Tag Archives: heather borshof

Chaplains Serve in Afghanistan during Holy Days

The Stars and Stripes recently covered a few chaplains who were busy during the recent holy day celebrations for US troops in Afghanistan:

US Army Chaplain (Col) Mike Charles serves in Kabul, Afghanistan, has deployed four times, and notes the week celebrating Christ’s resurrection is one of the busiest of the year:

Charles must ensure that religious leaders are available for the week’s numerous religious events – from Passover to Easter Sunday – and that troops across all corners of Afghanistan are able to worship appropriately.

That protection of religious exercise involves both going Read more

US Chaplain Serves from Faith in Afghanistan

US military personnel celebrate Purim in Afghanistan (US Army photo).

A religious studies student inspired by the role of the military in Israeli culture would eventually become a rabbi in the US military. US Army Chaplain (Capt) Heather Borshof appreciates the fact she can bring her faith to her profession, and to her interactions with others:

“One of the things I love about the military is that it’s not your typical congregation where you mostly work with people of your same faith,” Read more

Rabbi Becomes Newest Army Chaplain

Rabbi Heather Borshof was commissioned as a US Army Chaplain in December.  She was ordained as a rabbi by the Hebrew Union College, and has worked with a Jewish congregation and worked as a Chaplain in the Air Force since then.

Rear Adm. Harold L. Robinson, who is the first rabbi to reach the rank of admiral in the U.S. Navy, commissioned Borshof during the Dec. 3 ceremony at Temple Rodeph Torah. Her first assignment will be at Fort Belvoir in northern Virginia.

Borshof was described by the JCC as a Reform Rabbi and the “first active-duty woman Chaplain in the US Army in a generation.”

Via the Army Chaplaincy blog.