Tag Archives: Chaplain

Army: Spiritual Fitness Can “Lighten Load”

In its continuing efforts to reduce suicides and improve the overall mission effectiveness of Soldiers on the battlefield, Army Chief of Chaplains MajGen Douglas L. Carver recently lauded the value of “spiritual fitness” for both servicemembers and their families. 

The Army defines spiritual fitness as the development of the personal qualities needed to sustain a person in times of stress, hardship and tragedy. These qualities can come from religious, philosophical or human values…and form the basis for character, disposition, decision making and integrity.

“That’s what I think spiritual practice does, lighten the load,” [Chaplain Carver] added. “And who wouldn’t want to take a few rocks out of a rucksack?”

Coincidentally, the Department of Defense published this article on Spiritual Fitness a few weeks prior to an outcry by atheists on this very topic.  The article adequately explains the Army is not categorically calling “spiritual fitness” a “religious” endeavor, despite accusations to the contrary by atheists.

Carver recalled an interesting story from a morally conflicted Soldier:  Read more

Happy New Year from ChristianFighterPilot.com

Have a productive and joyful 2011.

The Top 10 articles from God and Country in 2010:

  1.  Christian Fighter Pilot Takes Command of US Marine Corps
  2.  Weinstein Threatens to Sue ChristianFighterPilot.com
  3.  Chaplain Dale Goetz Killed in Combat
  4.  Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: The Military Christian’s Perspective
  5.  Academy Official Fears “Brainwashed” Christians
  6.  Weinstein Loses Bat-Signal, Declares War ‘back on’
  7.  Weinstein Defines Religions, Assigns Followers
  8.  There are No Atheists in Foxholes
  9.  Trijicon Gun Sights and “Secret Bible Codes”
10.  USAFA Pagan Circle has Christian History

Doug Wilson: Gay Advocates Asking the Wrong Question

Douglas Wilson, most well-known for his long-term debate and friendship with Christopher Hitchens, has a short post on the issue of homosexuality in the military.  He is yet another voice highlighting that many who supported repeal miss the point (perhaps intentionally) when they try to characterize those who oppose repeal.

The public discussion has thus far, in its sophomoric talking points way, addressed whether straight servicemen are willing to “serve alongside” their openly homosexual peers. This question would obviously include evangelical Christians. But this is not the question at all.

Anybody who has spent any time in the military knows that it is not a bastion of righteous behavior. If you join, you will serve alongside fornicators and drunks, and you will learn how to work together with them. Adding patriotic poofters to the mix is a non-issue, and barely worth discussing.

He’s absolutely correct.  There are certainly legitimate issues of sexuality in the military, but those discussions have been ongoing for decades — reference gender.  Therefore, it is not the central issue on this topic.

The issue is this. Homosexual Read more

Iowa Pastor Helps Soldiers Keep the Faith

A local news channel interviewed interviewed US Army Chaplain (Col) Lance Kittleson as he described his role as a spiritual support for Soldiers:

As a chaplain in the army, [Kittleson is] the senior pastor and administrator of a military congregation of more than 5,000 soldiers at bases all over Iraq.

“My job is to make sure the commander is informed on religious implications of his mission as well as provide direct support to our soldiers: Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, whatever they may be,” Col. Kittleson said.

He says faith is very important during a time of war.  Read more

Marine General’s Faith at Issue

Websites belittling Commandant of the Marine Corps General James Amos are increasingly referring to his religion — some in an “off-hand” manner, others directly, as if it has something to do with current issues.

Interestingly, the “source” for General Amos’ faith is listed as this site.  The June 2010 article on his nomination for Commandant noted his speech at the 2009 National Day of Prayer.  Since then, that article has been cited in a variety of sources, including the ever reliable Wikipedia, as proof Amos is “born again.”  In fact, a web search for Amos’ faith reveals only two sources: this site, and a more recent derogatory citation by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation’s Chris Rodda, with an uncredited copy of a personal photograph of the same event she likely learned about through this site.

Ultimately, however, Amos’ faith is irrelevant.  It would be folly to assert Read more

Christmas in Afghanistan, Presidential Message on Jesus’ Birth

FoxNews had a headline article on Christmas highlighting “Christmas in Afghanistan.”  One of the more interesting parts of the article:

Afghans who support the coalition troops respect the holiday, [US Marine Chaplain (Capt) William] Kennedy said.

“We’re in a Muslim country, but the Muslims venerate Jesus as a prophet and the people I’ve met, whether it’s the locals or ANA (Afghan army), the mullahs, they respect the fact that we’re a religious people,” Kennedy told AFP.

(In a contrast to the Chaplain’s supportive perceptions of the local population, an activist group once tried to claim public American military celebrations of Easter were “convinc[ing] the Muslims we’re on a crusade.”) 

While Americans celebrated freely in Afghanistan, local Iraqi Christians “toned down” their Christmas celebrations in Iraq over fear of attacks.  It appears American military Read more

USAFA, Cadets for Christ Victims of Weinstein’s Hypocrisy

Chris Rodda, research assistant for Michael Weinstein’s Military Religious Freedom Foundation, recently guest-posted the MRFF’s latest salvo against “Cadets for Christ,” an Air Force Academy Christian cadet group Weinstein wants banned.  The self-described Research Director can’t even get basic facts correct.

The MRFF apparently has copies of emails sent from Don and Anna Warrick asking the recipients to send letters of support for Cadets for Christ to the Chaplains at USAFA.  The USAFA Chaplains had indicated they had received letters both supporting and criticizing the group.  Rodda summarizesRead more

Rabbi Sues Army over Beard

As noted earlier this year, Rabbi Menachem Stern has been trying for some time to become a US military Chaplain, but has faced resistance over his orthodox appearance.  He has apparently been unable to obtain a waiver for his beard.

He is now reportedly suing the Army for “denying him a commission” because of his religious tenets.  His lawsuit specifically cites the recent waivers given to Sikhs — men who were not Chaplains — and a bearded Muslim intern Read more

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