Tag Archives: blackmail

Army Major General David Haight Fired for Who He Loves

USA Today, via a FOIA request, has revealed that an Army two-star General was investigated and fired simply for who he loved:

Maj. Gen. David Haight, Army Ranger, combat veteran and family man…[had] an 11-year affair and a “swinger lifestyle” of swapping sexual partners…

haightIt is a travesty, of course, that MajGen David Haight would be persecuted for who — or how many — he chose to love. He has been forced to live a lie and deny who he really is just so he can risk his life in sacrifice for the country he holds dear.  Does that personal sacrifice mean nothing to those who choose to demean him?

The military’s official line is this “lifestyle” made him susceptible to blackmail. This accusation is actually code for moral turpitude, and it has been debunked by reputable gay rights groups who fought the same persecution just a few years ago. Their data, provided by the Defense Personnel Security Research and Education Center, indicated that not a single case of alleged espionage involved blackmail over sexuality.  The claim was just a homophobic way to attack a disfavored sexual lifestyle.

It appears Maj Gen Haight will be allowed to retire, though it may be at reduced rank based on when he last served “honorably.”

And yet no one seems to see the hypocrisy.

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