Tag Archives: aliyah

Troops Put Faith Above Country — and Mikey Weinstein Doesn’t Care

For all Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s vociferous pontifications on the principles of religious liberty, faith, and the US government, he’s never targeted other religions as he has Christianity. Weinstein and his acolytes are fond of accusing Christians in the military of being “dominionists” who put their faith above national allegiance.  Weinstein is even quoted on his own website making the hypernationalistic assertion that

There is only one religious symbol: the American flag.
There is only one religious scripture: the American Constitution.
Finally, there is only one religious faith: American patriotism.

Putting aside the similarities between Weinstein’s shockingly tone-deaf quote and 1930s Germany, it is worth noting Weinstein and his MRFF have never had quite the same Read more