In His Service, Rick Bereit |
Dawson Media, Colorado Springs, 2002.
Topic: Military life, Christian living
Col. Bereit wrote a good overall
view of the military for those who know little of it or are
considering joining it. The book is somewhat light on behavioral
details and is not service specific (though the author is a
USAFA graduate), but it is well referenced to Bible. His most
in-depth chapter is that of discipleship. Col. Bereit relates
the potential for hidden moral dangers in the military to “moral
minefields.” He makes good use of this analogy to communicate
the dangers of sex, drugs, profanity, lying, and then summing it
up in a section of “How to Live Right.”
Recommended for any Christian interested in military
This book is available from
Amazon . |
Christian Fighter Pilot is not an Oxymoron,
Jonathan Dowty |
Published 2007.
Topic: Military life, Christian living
Fighter pilots are known for
their bravery, cunning, and skill in combat. They are also known
for their expertise in worldly vices. Few people would think
that Christian men and women could be a part of that military
They not only can, but should.
Godly men and women can be both
good Christians and good fighter pilots, Sailors, Soldiers, or
Marines - something many people believe is a contradiction. From
fighter pilot traditions to the controversy of military
evangelism, Christian Fighter Pilot explains not only the
popular fighter pilot culture, but also the sometimes secretive
world of the men and women who fly and fight. Whether in
training or combat, Christians are shown that they can live out
their faith and still excel in the world's best military.
This book briefly introduces the
basics of how to become a fighter pilot and what a fighter pilot
is and does. The bulk of the content focuses on how a
Christian can live a life that is both honoring to God and to
the military profession he has volunteered to serve.
Spiritual questions are discussed and practical living
suggestions are made. The book is aimed at Christians and
is appropriate both for those who are thinking about becoming
fighter pilot and those who already are. While some of the
book is fighter pilot specific, much of it is applicable to
Christians in the military in general.
No recommendation.
This review was written by the author.
This book is available wherever books are sold. It is also
available from at
Amazon ,
Amazon Kindle,
Barnes and Noble, and
other retailers. Cadets and college or high school
students who may be unable to afford the book may
contact the author through this
website for arrangements.
Stories from a Soldier's Heart,
Alice Gray and Chuck Holton |
Multnomah Publishers, Sisters, Oregon, 2003.
Topic: Inspirational
Excellent collection of military
stories, most in the first person, with a Christian perspective.
Recommended for those who enjoy inspirational
military vignettes. Not specifically geared for fighter
This book is available from
Amazon .
Heroes at Home,
Ellie Kay |
Bethany House, Minnesota, 2002.
Topic: Military living
While written primarily from the
perspective of (and by) a pilot’s wife, it contains good
information even for fighter pilots. Chapter 3 contains good
information from the perspective of a wife at home, regarding
the uncertainty of moves and the potential for her husband to
receive a remote assignment to Korea. Chapter 16 is devoted to
military separations, and includes pre-TDY checklists, including
a list of the “Top 12 Don’ts” regarding deployments (the list
notably includes having a negative attitude, overdosing on TV,
or spending time alone with other gender). Mrs. Kay has also
written books on saving money, and some of her tips and ideas
regarding money management are incorporated in the book as well.
Recommended for Christian fighter pilots (and their
spouses) looking for insight into basic military family and
relationship issues.
This book is available from
Christian Book Distributors and
Amazon .
A More Elite Soldier,
Chuck Holton |
Multnomah Publishers, Sisters, Oregon, 2003.
Topic: Christian living
Mr. Holton’s book is not
specifically for a Christian military audience, but it is very
well written; it is essentially autobiographical relating to the
author's time as an Army ranger, with analogies to
Christianity, though the application is not specific to the
military life.
Recommended for those who enjoy application of the
military to Christianity. Not specific to the Christian
fighter pilot.
This book is available from
Christian Book Distributors and
The Christian Attitude Toward War,
Loraine Boettner |
Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, New Jersey 1985.
Topic: Christianity and War
Though in some parts a treatise
against communism, this book contains interesting research on
the Christian and war from Biblical, historical, and
philosophical perspectives.
recommended. If you are specifically interested
in the philosophical discussion of the morality of war, the book
is interesting, though it doesn't provide too much in the way of
unique insight.
This book is available from
Christian Book Distributors.
Now That You're in the Military Service, David
Grosse |
Beacon Hill, Kansas City, 1978.
Topic: Christian living
This "book" was apparently
originally a pamphlet intended for young Christians entering the
military. It was written by a Nazarene Air Force chaplain. The age
(published in 1978) and abbreviated length of
this book (62 pages) prevent it from being terribly useful,
though it introduces some important topics. It is more "stuff to
think about" than concrete behavioral advice.
recommended, primarily because the information
contained therein can now be obtained in more modern detailed
How Christians Made Peace with War,
John Driver |
& Stock Publishers, 2007.
Topic: Christianity and War
Written by a Mennonite (generally considered a
pacifist denomination), this book gives an interesting
historical account of the relationship between Christianity and
recommended. If you happen to be interested in
the church history of war and military service, it is a
worthwhile read.
This book is available from
Choosing Against War,
John D. Roth |
Good Books, Intercourse, PA, 2002.
Topic: Christianity and War
A pacifist exposition written
after the New York terrorist attacks, it is a modern and
relatively detailed book explaining the pacifist argument.
recommended. If you happen to be interested in
Christian pacifism, it's a worthwhile read.
This book is available from
Christian Book Distributors and
Amazon .
Battle Hymn, Dean E. Hess |
Buckeye Aviation Book Company,
Reynoldsburg, OH, 1987.
Topic: Christianity and War
Battle Hymn is the true
story of a preacher who became a fighter pilot and fought in
World War II and Korea. Col Hess is largely credited with
the forming the Republic of Korea (South Korea) Air Force and
being the driving force behind Operation Kiddy Car, in
which hundreds of orphans were flown out of Seoul to avoid the
Communist invasion.
Though some sources question the
bravado of Col Hess, the story presents an interesting look at a
spiritual man in what sometimes seems an unholy profession.
Apparently the book was also made into a movie by the same name
(starring Rock Hudson) that strayed slightly from the true
Recommended. While not always complimentary of
Hess's actions (both as a Christian and an Air Force officer),
it is a worthwhile read. It is a particularly interesting
read for young fighter pilots who are looking to an assignment
at Osan or Kunsan in Korea.
This book appears to be out of print, but the most recent (1987)
and older versions are available through re-sellers at
Amazon .
In, But Not Of, Hugh Hewitt |
Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, 2003.
Topic: Ambition
Even though "In" is only 25% of
the title, it makes up more than 90% of the book. There are only
one or two of 48 chapters dedicated to a Christian topic, and
the implied motivation of those chapters is still questionable.
(For example, there is a chapter on making sure you attend a
church, but the implied purpose is to have a “guardrail” to your
conscience—something to keep you honest while you’re working
in the world.) All other chapters are simply about
how to succeed, with a sentence or caveat at the end of the
chapter about how a Christian shouldn’t have pride (which is
apparently the only vice “of the world” the author is concerned
The book primarily focuses on living in the right
place, going to big name schools, understanding a professional
sport, and looking good to your boss. In civilian terms, Mr.
Hewitt states that politicking is a legitimate means of
endearing yourself to the appropriate people for their favor:
“People rise in the world because they attract the attention and
approval of powerful people” (p50). He accurately asserts that
“authority requires credentials,” and lists Paul’s resume’ in
Philippians 3:5-6 as a Biblical example, which takes it somewhat
out of context, particularly since Paul’s credentials were all
prior to his conversion. Mr. Hewitt asserts that one cannot be
both a pastor and influential in the world (Chapter 11) because
“a preacher has next to zero credibility on any issue of
politics or public policy…” (p62).
Mr. Hewitt’s brand of “in but
not of” suggests a paradigm of cloaking Christianity in order to
succeed; he seems to think that using a Christian phrase might
torpedo someone’s perceptions of you and thus your potential to
advance professionally.
recommended. The book is predominantly about
how to advance yourself, not dealing with Christian ambition.
This book is available from
Christian Book Distributors and
Amazon . |
Every Man's Battle, Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker |
Waterbrook Press, Colorado Springs, 2000.
Topic: Sexual purity
The Battle series is immensely
popular right now. While it’s not perfect and there are issues
with some things they say, it is a good book with plenty of advice for
dealing with sexual temptation.
Notably, it was surprising to see
them mention the evil of the double entendre, something that had
heretofore not been addressed outside of the pilot community (p13). On a
less positive note, the authors set out to “bust the myth” that
men can’t control themselves, though in at least one instance
they qualify masculine traits by saying "How could he help it?"
Recommended for those who may struggle in the sexual
arena, and as a means of preparation for those entering the
sexually laced fighter pilot community.
This book is available from
Christian Book Distributors and
Amazon .
Biblical Ethics,
James P. Eckman |
Crossway Books, Wheaton, IL, 2004.
Topic: Modern ethics
A concise Christian perspective on ethics across the spectrum of modern issues,
including culture, politics, and war.
Recommended. While not specific to the
Christian fighter pilot, it can provide a greater understanding
of the reason a Christian should make the choices he is
obligated to.
This book is available from
Amazon . |
Becoming a Contagious Christian,
Hybles, Bill and Mark Mittleberg |
Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 1994.
Topic: Evangelism
While formulaic (the book is
structured around the equation “HP+CP+CC=MI”), it does offer
some unique insight into witnessing. In one chapter
(“Strategic Opportunities in Relationships”), the author
specifically addresses some concerns with living “in” the world
with non-Christians. The only disappointment in that
chapter is that his primary emphasis is the impact of such a
choice on those we would evangelize; his only nod to the
perceptions of other Christians (which is often crucial) is the
potential impact on our “reputation,” which he brushes off as
“we’ll be misunderstood, just like Jesus was.”
Recommended for those looking for insight into
Christian witnessing.
This book is available from
Christian Book Distributors and
Amazon . |
Crash and Burn, Jack Edward Wright
Winepress Publishing, 2003.
Topic: Autobiographical
Mr. Wright’s book is advertised
as a book about a pilot who has an accident that brings him to
God. While it’s an interesting look at the Air Force of 20 years
ago and dramatically conveys the details of Wright’s tragic
accident, it says little of his life afterwards, and it says
even less of substance about the potential spiritual impact on
his life.
book is interesting in its portrayal of Mrs. Wright’s response
to many of the pilot activities. Of note, Winepress is a
reputable self-publishing company.
This book is available from
Christian Book Distributors and
Amazon .
Know What You Believe, Paul Little |
Cook Communications, 1999.
Topic: Theology
An informative book that covers
the basic tenets of the Christian faith across the spectrum
Recommended for those who need to learn more about
the foundational facts of their faith.
This book is available from
Christian Book Distributors and
Amazon .
The New
Evidence that
Demands a Verdict, Josh McDowell |
Thomas Nelson, 1999.
Topic: Apologetics
Famous for his conversion to
Christianity as a result of his attempt to disprove it, Josh
McDowell presents a logical and organized layout of the
Christian faith.
Recommended for those who desire advanced insight
into apologetics.
This book is available from
Christian Book Distributors and
Amazon .
The Eye of the Viper: The Making of an F-16
Pilot, Peter
Aleshire |
The Lyons Press,
Topic: F-16 Pilot Training
Peter Aleshire is an author who
shadowed a B-Course class
through their 6 months at Luke Air Force Base. His book is
an interesting summary of the time at Luke with some additional
information on other training that specific pilots required.
The decision on whether to recommend this book was not easy; it is somewhat
informative for someone who might want insight into the fighter
pilot culture, though it is specific to the F-16.
On a moral level, it is written as a
fighter pilot might write it: profanity (including the use of
God's name in vain), is casually common. More importantly, there are
some factual errors or misleading implications.
Unimportant examples include the statement that Kunsan butts up
against the Korean Demilitarized Zone (p155; it doesn't), or the
implication that an F-16 pilot can guide a TV guided missile
from the cockpit (p179; such missiles are not an F-16 weapon).
An important example is the continuing implication that poor
family life and divorce are fighter pilot givens (for example,
p144; they're not).
Also, the writing is nearly romantic
(in the glorified way, not the emotional way). Pilots are
described as "cut from a block of marble by a samurai carver
with sweeps of the blade too fast for the eye" (p51) and
"straight out of a recruiting poster" (p151). While
linguistically artistic, the descriptions don't add much in the
way of content and beg the question as to what other facts are
similarly semantically glorified.
Not recommended due to the language, errors, and
misleading implications. That said, it was almost
recommended. There is
informative content in it. If you choose to read it, do so
with a grain of salt. Prepare yourself for the profanity and
contact ChristianFighterPilot if you have any questions
or to help clear up some of the details.
This book is available from
Amazon .
American Fighter Pilot,
Tony Scott |
Hannover House, 2002.
Topic: F-15 Pilot Training
AFP is an 8-episode TV show that
followed three USAF F-15 pilots through their training at
Tyndall Air Force Base. The show was almost universally
panned for its melodramatic and staccato MTV-like editing.
From the perspective of a Christian fighter pilot, this TV
series was purchased
and reviewed purely because of the constant references
to the Christianity and fatherhood of one of the three
highlighted student pilots.
The editing critiques were
accurate; the show was almost difficult to watch because of the
editing style. (The basic content of the video was
excellent. One can hope that the original was kept and may
one day be made into the 90-minute documentary that was
purportedly originally planned.)
Ignoring the poor production, the
positives include the introduction of the viewer to the varying
personalities, lifestyles, and commitments of fighter pilots.
The primary negatives are that there is little depth and that
certain aspects of the culture are over-dramatized to the
detriment of others. For example, Capt. Marcus Gregory
does express reservations about how his faith will be received,
but the only aspect mentioned in the show is the implied
conflict between religion and killing in combat (which is not a
reservation that Gregory himself stated). At one point
Gregory notes that he isn't drinking because his pregnant wife
may need him to drive her to the hospital at any point; the show
never mentions what the reaction of the other pilots was to his choice.
Gregory also states that he left
one of the fighter pilot social events because the Hooters girls
were invited and catered it. There are slight references
by others to Gregory's "need to join the culture," but they are
minimal. More interesting is the fact that one of the
Hooters girls wrote graffiti on the bar chalkboard that says she
"loves" Lt Todd Giggy, one of the other highlighted pilots.
Giggy's wife eventually sees it and tells the camera that was
something she never thought she'd have to question in their
marriage. At the conclusion of the final episode, the
concluding credits note that the Giggys had separated. The Gregorys, on the
other hand, were expecting their second child.
In the closing moments of the
last episode, the squadron weapons officer (who had been the
virtual narrator for the entire series and was portrayed with
drill instructor severity) noted that he, too, was a Christian
and that the priorities of a Christian pilot needed to be God,
family, and country.
Given the poor production
quality, this series is
only if it can be borrowed or rented; it would be worth
seeing for a slight insight into the fighter
pilot culture. It would not be worth purchasing except for
those who were desperate to have some clue as to how fighter training
operates and couldn't obtain the videos through another means.
This show is available from
Amazon .
Chuck Yeager and Leo Janos |
Bantam Books, 1985.
Topic: Autobiography
Yeager's book is interesting for
several reasons. Yes, he is famous for piloting the Bell
X-1 through the "sound barrier." Perhaps less
famously, he was also a World War
II P-51 pilot and F-86 and F-100 squadron commander. (He
was fired from that last one.) In many ways his book
describes the "standard" antics of a fighter pilot and can help
an aspiring fighter pilot understand the "history" of the
fighter pilot culture.
The book is by no means completely
factually accurate and is obviously biased by the author.
Nonetheless, it is an interesting read, particularly for those
with an interest in military aviation, flight test, and military
history. It should not be read as gospel, but it is worth
the read.
Recommended. While not specific to the
Christian fighter pilot, it can provide a greater understanding
of the the stereotypical fighter pilot life. This
recommendation should not be interpreted as an endorsement of
Yeager's actions or attitudes, some of which are contrary to
what a Christian should exhibit.
This book is available from
Amazon , as well as from Yeager's own
God & Government, Charles Colson |
Topic: Church and State
God & Government is an
updated version of Chuck Colson’s 1987 Kingdoms in Conflict.
Subtitled “an insider’s view on the boundaries between faith and
politics,” it is an interesting and generally centrist
evaluation of the complex relationship between religion and the
The book is a worthwhile read for a
military Christian for several reasons. First, Colson adequately
addresses both sides of the "church/state controversy," an issue
that is constantly cited in arguments against Christian activity
in the military. He acknowledges that
there are some Christians who would like nothing more than to
elect a President-Pastor, and some secularists who would like
nothing more than to eliminate the public existence of religion.
He maintains that
Both extremes—those who want to
eliminate religion from political life as well as those who want
religion to dominate politics—have overreacted and overreached.
Colson argues against Christian
citizens who have implied, perhaps innocently, that they would
elect a person purely based on religious affiliation.
Colson also rebuts the critics who think religion should be left
out of politics. He does a reasonable job of explaining
the proper roles of the state and the church, a discussion from
which both sides could benefit. Importantly, he notes that the
phrase “separation of church and state”
…applied to institutions of church
and state, not religious and political values…Separation of
church and state does not mean that America was to be free of
religious influence. (p136)
The book is not a quick read. It is
nearly 500 pages long, and there are entire chapters written in
a dramatized non-fiction biographical format on Neville
Chamberlain, William Wilberforce, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Benigno
Aquino, and others. While educational, the narratives often seem
like a diversion.
For the average Christian fighter pilot looking for guidance on
how to live a Christ-centered life in the military, this book
offers little practical advice. For those who are interested in
the larger issues of religion in the military, secularist
attacks on public Christianity, and “separation of church and
state,” the book is a worthwhile (if long) read.
Recommended for those interested in governmental and
Constitutional issues regarding the role of religion in
government (and thus the military).
This book is available from
Christian Book Distributors and
Amazon .
Quiet Strength, Tony Dungy |
Topic: Christian Living
Quiet Strength is an
excellent book on Christian living and Christian priorities.
Though Dungy is a football coach, an understanding (or even
appreciation) of football is not required to see how the husband
and father handled the conflicting priorities in his life.
Though seemingly an unusual choice
for a military Christian resource, Dungy's descriptions of the
demands of his profession are sometimes eerily similar to those
of a military service member. Arguably, not all of his decisions
were the best, but the example he sets is admirable. He has what
millions of men probably consider the most coveted of positions,
that of a Super Bowl winning NFL head coach—but the reluctant
celebrity repeatedly emphasizes that there's more to this life:
Football is great…but football is
just a game. It's not family. It's not a way of life. It doesn't
provide any sort of intrinsic meaning. It's just football…
Although football has been a part of my life that I've really
enjoyed, I've always viewed it as a means to do something more.
A means to share my faith, to encourage and lift up other
Dungy's other thoughts on the
decisions in his life often mirror those that a Christian in the
military (and in particular, Christian fighter pilots) must
make, including, for example, the choices he knew would affect
whether or not he "fit in" (and his consequent decision not to
drink, smoke, or participate in other vices).
Recommended. Quiet Strength is an excellent
read for those that might want a slightly different perspective
on Christian living in what some may consider an unkind
This book is available from
Christian Book Distributors and
Amazon .
Under Orders, William McCoy |
Topic: Spirituality
Under Orders is subtitled "A
Spiritual Handbook for Military Personnel," has a rare
endorsement from active duty General Petraeus, and is written by
an experienced chaplain. It has exemplary
reviews on various websites. It seems
like an excellent reference for a military Christian.
It's not.
The book's intended audience are
those who are non-religious, non-church-going,
depressed, or traumatized. Nothing is said to those who already have a spiritual faith.
Chaplain McCoy, who is
sponsored by the Lutheran denomination, doesn't speak
confidently about his own faith. In fact, he has little positive to
say about the Christian faith at all. He belittles fellow
Christians with side comments about evangelical "hurdles,"
"rules," and "righteousness." The Chaplain
advocates spirituality
Christianity, as if something is better than nothing,
and explicitly states that there are "alternative" ways to God:
is important for you to believe in a god." (p78)
"It will
be your decision as to whether you want to be religious as a
Catholic, a Buddhist, or a Methodist." (p57)
convictions are just as good as the next person's convictions."
In so doing, the Chaplain undermines
the legitimacy of his own faith by actively supporting views that are
inconsistent with Christianity. To the Chaplain, Christianity is
just one more world religion. The "Gospel"--always
capitalized but never explained--is an abstract secret ingredient that "is meant to give you a word
of hope." (p207) More importantly, he holds a
decidedly unChristian view of one of the central tenets of
Christ came into the world so that
people could be saved from "being redundant and meaningless,
that people might have lives of significance and meaning rather
than emptiness and sorrow." (p211)
With regard to "spiritual" living,
ostensibly one primary purpose of a "spiritual handbook," his
advice is infrequent, vague, and self-centric.
"Living a life of worshipping God is
not about you becoming like someone who carries a Bible in your
[unit]. Its about you feeling at ease..." (p208)
He gives no advice on how to live a
life of faith in the military; rather, he "encourages" people to
persevere until they can leave the military. When
challenged, rather than encouraging people to make the hard
choices in accordance with the tenets of their faith, the
Chaplain suggests they search for a religion that fits their
"If my theology doesn't integrate
how I interact with people then I should drop it and begin
searching for one that does." (p106)
Less importantly, the book is also rife with less than stellar grammar and
formatting. (It appears to be self-published and poorly
edited.) There are unsupported theses, redundant
sentences, and dozens of unexplained (and irrelevant) pop
culture references. There is even a simple Bible story
retold with basic errors. Such faults may be overlooked if there
are other redeeming qualities; they compound the negatives of a
book that does not.
It is possible to argue that it is
appropriate for a military Chaplain to write a "non-sectarian"
book, or one that promotes no particular religion. This
can be done, though, without compromising one's own faith or
proposing the validity of the truth claims in all.
Not recommended.
This book is not addressed to Christians, and it is written by a
Christian Chaplain who undermines not only his own faith, but
also that of his readers. This "spiritual handbook"
provides no spiritual guidance for military Christians.
This book is available from
Amazon .
For God and Country, Fisher
DeBerry |
Training Publishing, 2000.
Topic: Autobiography / Christian Living
Fisher DeBerry was the US Air Force
Academy's head football coach for 23 years. He turned the
USAFA football team into a national powerhouse, and he riled
some people for his outspoken Christianity while working with
young military cadets.
DeBerry's book is part
autobiography, part witness. It describes his upbringing
and career as head coach, and also his philosophy as a Christian
in public life. He describes his life as "the Three F's:
Faith, Family, and Football"--in that order. He describes
many of the conscious choices he made to encourage faith and
family priorities in those he worked with and coached. He
speaks of the value of children, parenting, and the importance
of school teachers--something few people may know DeBerry did
before coaching college football.
His chapter on "Faith" is a
wonderful read in which he says "we have our missions fields
right here," and encourages Christians to "spread the word daily
by how we live and conduct ourselves:"
You don't have to beat your chest
and proclaim "I'm a Christian" to everyone you meet. But you
have to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. Being a Christian
has everything to do with how you approach life and the way you
treat people.
Your Christianity isn't just about
what you say, it is shown by the consistency of how you live
your life.
Unfortunately, the book isn't
produced with the highest quality editing, and those who have no
interest in the US Air Force Academy or its football program may
find some of the book uninteresting.
This book was written before the
lawsuit and controversies over religion at the Air Force
Academy, which cited and frequently criticized DeBerry's
outspoken Christianity as football coach.
It has wonderful pearls of wisdom and guidance, though some of
its subjects are slightly niche. It does have some
Christian living advice that would be pertinent to the military
Christian. It's a quick read and worth it, though those
bored by football or USAFA may have to skim some parts.
This book is available from
Amazon .
on this review.
Never Surrender,
William G. "Jerry" Boykin |
Words, 2008.
Topic: Military/Christian Experience
Never Surrender is the memoir
of Lt Gen (Ret) William G. “Jerry” Boykin, a name familiar to
many even outside of military circles. It documents his military
career and much of his personal life, in his “journey to the
crossroads of faith and freedom.”
In a career that spanned more than three decades, General Boykin
was predominantly a member of Special Operations units,
including being one of the initial cadre (and ultimately a
commander) of the Army’s elite Delta Force. He was involved in
virtually every combat action since the early 1980s, from the
aborted rescue attempt of the Americans held hostage in Iran to
the hunting of war criminals in the Balkans.
According to the book, Boykin was virtually always expressive of
his faith. As a young Army officer, he worked with a church bus ministry
and invited the children of other military members living on
base to his
church. He was even initially told he would not be recommended
for the Delta Force because he depended too much on faith and
not enough on himself. More recently, Boykin made international
headlines when he made statements regarding religion, God, and
war that were often taken far out of context.
Boykin is an animated character who rarely minces his words, and
the book reflects his style. The
direct nature of his comments on controversial subjects have
made him a frequent target for those trolling for
sound bites to lift from their context.
Never Surrender contains detailed accounts of many of the
military operations in which General Boykin was involved. He
also notes the times he called on God to see him through trials,
and those times he felt abandoned by God because of them. He
discusses the apparent contradictions in a Special Operations
soldier being a Christian—not only dealing with the Christian in
the military as a participant in war, but also with the unique
challenges of Delta—like learning how to deceive, and do it
well. He tells of his total dependence on God to help him
recover from wounds received in battle.
There are many examples where Boykin acts as a Christian
officer, and many where he sees others do the same. There are
encouragements about being successful as a Christian and as a
military officer.
Never Surrender’s shortcoming is its casual treatment of
Boykin’s family life. While
intimate details are shared about nearly every military campaign
since Vietnam, and he speaks openly of his faith, there are
barely a handful of pages that even mention Boykin’s family
relationships. This seems inconsistent with fairly accepted
standard priorities in a Christian life, which include God, then
family, and then profession. Regrettably, the bulk of the
story on Boykin’s family involves his admission of his “failure”
as a husband, his divorce after 30 years of marriage, and his
subsequent marriage to a single mother.
While on one hand the book
seems to tell the tale of a successful, outspoken and assertive
Christian military officer, on the other it reveals the failure
of his marriage with little comment or reaction.
Of course, Boykin would be neither
the first nor the most prominent Christian to struggle with
family issues. However, his decision to omit a discussion on the cause or how he may have prevented its demise
results in a missed opportunity. As an apparently
successful Christian military officer, Christians will be
looking at his example. One of the most frequently asked
questions by young military Christians--or those considering a
military profession--is if it is possible to have both a successful career and a
successful family.
Just as being a Christian is not
incompatible with being a successful military officer, neither
is a successful military career
incompatible with a successful marriage, a point Boykin’s book
fails to adequately address.
Despite that shortcoming and taken as a whole, Never Surrender is an interesting read into
the intersection of faith and the military profession. It will entertain
those interested in the military genre, and enlighten those who
are interested in the interactions of the Christian faith and
the military.
Boykin is currently the Wheat Professor of Leadership Studies at
Hamden-Sydney College, a private men’s liberal arts college in
Virginia. He has also teamed with Stu Weber to form
Never Surrender is a lengthy but engaging read. Though
the balance of content slightly favors general military
operations, the integration of Boykin's faith and spirituality
is woven throughout the book. The book is
both an interesting read and a real-life example of one man's Christian life as applied to the
military profession.
This book is available from
Amazon .
on this review.
Return with Honor, Scott O'Grady |
HarperTorch, 1996.
Topic: Fighter Pilot/Christian Experience
Captain Scott O'Grady is best known
as the F-16 pilot shot down during Operation Deny Flight
over the former Yugoslavia in 1995. He survived for five
and a half days--during which no one even knew he was
alive--before being rescued. Upon his return home he was
declared a hero, a title he eschewed and passed on to the
Marines who lifted him to safety.
The book details the mission from
his arrival at work until the missile took his jet out from
under him; it then describes the days he spent on the ground
hoping for a rescue. Interspersed are back stories of his
life and his family back in the US as they learned of his
shootdown. The retelling of the organization of the rescue
effort and its subsequent execution--which was completed
about 5 hours after the initial radio contact--is well
Regrettably, O'Grady became a victim
of a media and public that wanted a hero. The attention
heaped upon him was embarrassing for him (the book's tone and
content is evidence of his humility) and also opened him up to
grief from his fellow fighter pilots--particularly since he made
many mistakes after his shootdown. (Had he not returned,
his peers may have reserved their criticisms, but with his safe
arrival--and the subsequent detailed book, which included many
of the mistakes he made--his peers provided blunt criticisms for
which fighter pilots are famous.)
Return with Honor is a quick
and easy read, and is written at a level that people not
familiar with the fighter pilot mission will understand.
He does freely document his mistakes, though at times he glosses
over them and those unfamiliar with the mission may not notice.
Those interested in the conduct of a fighter pilot mission may
be interested by the particular detail he goes into regarding
the preparation and execution of the mission in which he would
ultimately be shot down. The book is a narrative, however,
and does not contain technical or tactical descriptions of the
O'Grady's faith is also central to
the book. He recounts the many prayers he said during his
endeavor, as well as the influence it had on his future
spiritual growth. The book indicates a devout Catholic
theology, including his prayers to deceased relatives and the
Mother of Medjugorje. More recent interviews have
indicated that O'Grady has become a member of a Texas Baptist
Church, and he graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary (a
conservative evangelical school) in 2007.
Though the story is now nearly 14 years old, the book provides
an interesting and insightful look into both the life of a
fighter pilot and the role that his faith played in his ordeal.
It is an easy read and the book is cheaply available. The
theology and some of his choices after his ejection should be
understood for what they are. The story is also told in
his other book,
Basher Five-Two, which is described as a "children's
This book is available from
Amazon .
on this review.
R.G. LeTourneau: Mover of Men and Mountains, R.G.
LeTourneau |
Publishers, 1967.
Topic: Christian Living
Though they may not recognize his
name, virtually the entire world has been affected by the
innovation of R.G. LeTourneau. Mover of Men and Mountains
documents both the faith and profession of one of the world's
most influential people. Essentially an inventor of
machines, LeTourneau (1888-1969) would create many of the
massive earth movers that miraculously accomplished what is now
taken for granted.
LeTourneau recounts that he created
thousands of heavy machines used by
the US Army in World War II,
including those that filled the bomb craters in Hawaii after the
attack on Pearl Harbor, created runways out of nothing in North
Africa, cleared beaches in Normandy, and island-hopped with the
Marines in the Pacific. General Carl Spaatz--who would
eventually become the first Chief of Staff of the newly formed
US Air Force--even came to speak to his factory floor to inspire
the workers with the tales of their machines in the combat
LeTourneau notes that he wasn't always spiritually content in the work he did.
As a laborer in construction and earth-moving, LeTourneau said
“my job was to deal with material things, and not spiritual
things.” Feeling convicted to do more for God’s kingdom, he
attended a week of revival meetings, dreading that he would have
to “give up my material way of life.” He didn’t mean material
things like money or fame (neither of which he had)--he meant
the hard day’s work of earthmoving, the heart of the lifestyle
he loved and lived.
LeTourneau prayed for guidance, but
still felt that
“service to the Lord...meant the
ministry or missionary work.”
He asked the Reverend leading the
revival, “how can I know what He wants me to do? I know a layman
can’t serve Him like a preacher can...does He want me to serve
as a missionary?” As reverends are wont to do, his response was
“Let’s pray.”
Afterward, the Reverend said
“You know…God needs businessmen
as well as preachers and missionaries.”
LeTourneau's eyes were opened to a
whole new perspective:
“Those were the words that have
guided my life ever since…Many men have the same mistaken idea I
had of what it means to serve the Lord. My idea was that if a
man was going all out for God, he would have to be a preacher,
or an evangelist, or a missionary, or what we call a full-time
Christian worker. I didn’t realize that a layman could serve the
Lord as well as preacher.”
Though he would be penniless several
times over throughout his life, LeTourneau would eventually be a
very rich man. He ultimately owned five plants, including one in
Australia, and had his own twin-engine Douglas A-26 bomber and a
personal pilot to fly around the world. And travel he
did--primarily for ministry speaking engagements and missionary
It is evident throughout the book that
LeTourneau was an ardent Christian, and his faith guided his
ethics and his business conduct throughout his life. He never
forgot his calling as a “layman,” a “businessman for God.” As
his company grew, he and his wife became famous for giving 90%
of their personal and corporate income to charitable Christian
causes, primarily through his own foundation that supported
religious, missionary, and educational endeavors.
The book notes that the man with a seventh-grade education founded LeTourneau
Technical Institute in Longview, Texas. Forty years after the
book was written, the institute is now known as LeTourneau
University. It is one of the premier engineering schools in the
country while retaining its focus on teaching its graduates to
be ambassadors for Jesus Christ to the world. The
university emphasizes LeTourneau’s vision of Christians being
Christians in the workplace, in “every workplace, every nation.”
Written in the late 1960s, the book
does have one or two “non-politically correct” references. For
example, LeTourneau proudly explains the effectiveness of his
machines in mowing down the Amazon forest, a point that would
certainly have caused him to be picketed and protested today.
At a few points in the book LeTourneau's enjoyment in engineering causes him to be very detailed, but
the book is a very easy read and very interesting, even for
those not terribly interested in machinery. God’s
influence on LeTourneau is a constant reference throughout the book.
The decisions he made throughout his life and business
career, including the one that would keep him in the business
world rather than "the ministry," are an important example for
Christians today. Any Christian, including those in
the military, can find inspiration in LeTourneau’s words to
serve God well in whatever role in which He has placed him.
This book is highly recommended.
This book is available from
Amazon Kindle .
on this review.
Fighter Pilot: Operation
Red Flag, John Stratton |
Entertainment, 2005.
Topic: Military Fighter Pilot
Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag
is a documentary originally produced for IMAX. It has a nominal
plot, following a single F-15 fighter pilot as he participates
in Red Flag at Nellis AFB, Nevada. The primary officer is
Captain John Stratton, who also narrates as he plans, flies, and
acts as a simulated evader during combat exercises in the Nevada
The film has some almost comical flaws (or theatrical
necessities, depending on how you view them). For example,
during the film Stratton flies virtually the entire time with
his visor up. Fighter pilots generally fly with dark tinted
visors; on some days, the bright sun on white clouds can be
nearly blinding. While you can see Stratton squint at his
surroundings, it was theatrically necessary for his visor to be
up so they could film his face. During the filming of the
airborne command and control, an officer in a flight suit leans
over the enlisted radar operator’s shoulder and gives orders; in
fact, the enlisted controllers are some of the most competent
and professional Airmen in the operational Air Force, and likely
require little input from a watch officer.
Some of the flight formations and tactics are misrepresented,
but this is understandable given that the objective of the film
is to present a compelling visual; few people realize that
aircraft don’t fly wingtip-to-wingtip into combat, but it
wouldn’t look as cool if it was shown as it really occurs.
Those negatives aside, the film has some excellent aircraft
imagery and flight video. In some DVD formats, there are whole
montages of aircraft in flight set to the soundtrack. Virtually
every Air Force aircraft is shown, some are shown aerial
refueling, and many are delivering weapons and executing
tactics. In addition, all the people in the film are real—not
actors. In a nod to the rest of the Air Force (not just the
fighter pilots), the film also shows the maintainers and
munitions troops (the bomb-builders) hard at work, often in the
middle of the night. There is even a short clip of the mundane
FOD walk, when maintainers walk a line across the ramp and
collect any debris that might get sucked into jet engines.
Given that the plot is mostly a device for presenting cool
video, there’s little to say about it. Air Force officership,
conduct, and religion don’t really enter the picture. Fighter
Pilot: Operation Red Flag is, in some respects, a gratuitous
opportunity to show some very cool airplane videos.
Not that there's anything wrong with
Recommended. Those that are
only marginally interested in military aviation would probably
be bored by the film. For those that have an avid interest in
aircraft and military operations, however, it is highly
This movie is available from
on this review.
When Faith Takes Flight,
Jim Walters |
Topic: Christian Doctrine
When Faith Takes Flight was written by Jim Walters, a
Pastor, civilian flight instructor, and former US Air Force
fighter pilot. Walters became a Christian in a military chapel
in Vietnam, and was quickly taken under the wing of a Christian
in a local military Bible study.
When Faith Takes Flight isn’t an autobiography or memoir,
however; it is an instructional book on Christian doctrine. The
author is both a faith instructor and a flight instructor, and
both perspectives are evident throughout the book.
Each of the 10 chapters covers a basic Christian doctrinal
element (the existence of God, sin, grace, the Bible, etc.). The
chapters (or "lessons") begin with a flight related story, draw
an analogy to a Biblical concept, and then relate a Biblical
lesson --complete with a "quiz" and questions for group
discussion. Each lesson is, in many ways, a miniature sermon.
The book's primary objective is to teach theological concepts
using plain and understandable language, and it succeeds. It is
written in a casual style, making it easy for those who are not
pilots (or even Christians) to understand. The simple
explanations make difficult concepts easy to understand, though
they are also sometimes elementary in tone.
The flight stories are interesting, if too few (and too few
military), and direct applications to the pilot lifestyle or
military profession are regrettably few. However, this a book on
Christian doctrine, not a book on aviation or the military; in
addition, the analogies really do work. For example, Walters
uses the example of a pilot who 'does all she can' to glide her
crippled airplane to a runway, only to "fall short," and
effectively uses that example to explain the theology underlying
Romans 3:23.
Recommended for those looking for excellent,
straightforward explanations of core Biblical concepts. It is a
book of theological doctrine, not aviation, so it is not
specifically geared toward military pilots (or pilots at all).
This book is available from
the author's own
on this review.
Refiner's Fire: A Fighter Pilot's
Douglas Haig Jenkins, Jr. |
Online Publishers, 2009.
Topic: Autobiography
The title of Refiner's Fire
makes it sound as if it is the perfect book for examining the
integration of faith and the fighter pilot profession. While it
has potential, it regrettably falls short.
Refiner's Fire is Jenkins'
autobiography. It is literally written chronologically, with the
first chapter talking about childhood dreams of flying and the
last the author's final retirement. Unfortunately, that format
lends itself well to family memoirs, but not books for the
general public, especially absent a celebrity author.
The book does have some fascinating
stories of military aviation in it, but that is all they are --
stories from his life; with a few exceptions, they generally
lack self-reflection or insight into spiritual application. As a
fairly inclusive autobiography, the fascinating stories are
sometimes interspersed with somewhat more prosaic details of the
author's life.
For those that have unique
interests, like Century series aircraft, F-4s in Vietnam, or air
defense intercepts in Iceland, the book has fascinating
first-hand accounts unlikely to be found in other sources. The
primary source alone may make it a valuable reference. For most,
however, those gems, excellent though they are, will be
insufficient to support the rest of the book. The book has
enormous potential; perhaps a second revision could cull the
content to its most interesting parts and expand them both in
detail and application.
Not recommended, though
regretfully so. If you desire a primary source on Air Force
military fighter aviation from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s,
it has some great stories.
Note: CreateSpace is an
self-publishing company.
This book is available from
on this review.
Highest Duty: My Search for What Really
Sullenberger |
Highest Duty: My Search for What Really Matters is the
autobiography of the now-celebrity pilot who landed American
Airlines Flight 1549 in the Hudson River on 15 January 2009.
Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger is both an Air Force Academy
graduate and a former Air Force fighter pilot.
From the perspective of a pilot, Highest Duty is a
fascinating read. The book is well written, managing to string
the 3 minute ordeal through 330 pages of Sullenberger’s life
without becoming slow or overly tedious. While his celebrity
status was cemented by the ordeal, the book covers not only the
emergency landing but also his life story.
The recounting of the incident contains enough technical detail
(including the entire transcript of the short flight) to
interest experienced aviators without confusing or boring those
who are not. For example, Sullenberger and his co-author
describe the digital flight controls of the side-stick
controlled Airbus, which are very similar to modern fighter
aircraft. The computer-driven system is designed so that pilots
can’t stall the aircraft. When the plane slows to the
minimum speed allowed for its current configuration, it simply
refuses the pilot’s commands to continue to raise (or hold up)
the nose. Sullenberger understood this system and used it to
slow to the point where his stick was “full aft,” as slow as the
jet would allow him to get. Thus, while he had to put effort
into keeping the wings level, he didn’t have to worry about
speed or pitch — the computer decided it for him.
In what is likely an act of kindness, Sullenberger mentions but
does not dwell on the fact that one of the aircraft’s rear doors
was opened after the crash landing, allowing water to enter the
cabin at what was likely a greater rate than otherwise would
have occurred from the reportedly damaged tail section.
Sullenberger does describe some of his military days, including
his F-4 flying. He is almost dismissive of it, however; he
describes his Air Force Academy experiences in one 20 page
chapter, and essentially the entirety of his 6-year military
career in one other. He notes that he served in a peacetime
service, and his “war stories” continue his general life theme
by focusing on safety — as described in the mishaps, or near
mishaps, he experienced. There are no tactical or operational
stories related.
The more interesting details are found in the stories of his
civilian life that so much reflect the “stereotypical fighter
pilot.” He acknowledges his ability to compartmentalize, his
need for routine and checklists, and he discusses the challenges
of being away from family so often.
One of the more intriguing aspects of Sullenberger’s response to
the crash has been the element of faith, but not for the reason
most might expect.
Sullenberger has never mentioned God or any aspect of
faith since the crash.
The book was written to describe “all the forces that molded
[him] as a boy, as a man, and as a pilot,” yet it never mentions
religion. His four-page long acknowledgements never mention
anything remotely spiritual. In fact, with respect to himself,
Sullenberger uses religious terminology only twice in the entire
330 page book: once to say he worked as a church janitor, and
once to say he knew a girl through the church choir. All other
references to religion or spirituality are incidental, and
encompassed in others or their stories:
He sent one of his daughters to
an Episcopal pre-school.
He quotes his wife saying she
had “spiritual experiences” in nature.
He “was told” some of his
passengers were praying before the crash landing; he
recounts one of those short prayers.
He recounts the story of a
Holocaust survivor and his Jewish family, and their Jewish
understanding of Sullenberger’s deeds.
He mentions that a minister from
the United Methodist Church attended his father’s private
He quotes his wife wishing his
mother enjoyable travels as they spread her ashes on a
He describes trying to live his
life as a “Good Samaritan.”
Those few lines encompass the
totality of explicit religion and faith in Sullenberger’s book,
which purportedly recounts the forces that molded his life. In
whole, he appears to be neither explicitly for nor against
The “lack” of faith — or even a
clear statement on a possible atheistic or agnostic belief — is
unusual for this story because of how often Sullenberger dealt
with life, mortality, and death. He saw the results of a plane
crash up close as a young teenage pilot; he was an investigator
on fatal aircraft mishaps; one of his passengers suffered a
medical emergency and died on a domestic flight; most obviously,
he and 154 others survived a mishap that could very well have
taken their lives. Yet he does not speak of the eternal or
mortal significance of that event.
While some may consider such detail “personal,” the book is rife
with equally personal anecdotes. He quotes his favorite songs
and poems, describes his decision to move in with his second
wife, and recounts the struggles of infertility and adoption.
His book is not totally without implicit philosophical
statements on his beliefs; it is just difficult to draw a
conclusion from them. He believes he has “been given a role to
play.” He speaks of a moral obligation to protect life; he lauds
charitable causes; he describes the beauty of the earth, both
from mountaintops and the cockpit of an airplane.
Quoting another pilot who survived a mishap, he makes a point to
say “the word he uses, “luck,”" which clearly implies his
disdain for the word. In televised interviews and statements
Sullenberger has been quick to credit skill and training rather
than luck or miracles, which may be the explanation behind his
word choice. Sullenberger has earned praise not only for his
skillful piloting, but also for his refusal to accept the “hero”
moniker and his constant reference to his copilot and crew.
Sullenberger does occasionally speak of the end of life, and
dealing with death; his stories seem to belie a pragmatic or
even indifferent attitude toward questions of eternity. In
teaching his daughters to grow, he said:
“At the end of their lives, like all
of us, I expect they might ask themselves a simple question: Did
I make a difference? My wish for them is that the answer to that
question will be yes.”
A few years after a squadron mate
was killed in an accident, he describes meeting his widow:
"I told her that I thought her
husband was a terrific guy and a gifted pilot, and that I had
always enjoyed his company. I told her how sorry I was. And then
I was quiet. There wasn’t much more I could say."
It is interesting to consider
Sullenberger’s life, as told in the book, with regard to his
title. He explicitly relays his belief in a pilot’s “highest
“A captain’s highest duty and
obligation is always to safety.”
This is consistent with the theme of
his book and the independent company he was attempting to create
over the past few years.
Sullenberger does not appear to explicitly provide an answer to
the subtitle; that is, he does not give the “results” of his
“search for what really matters.” There are times when that is
almost sad. For example, as already noted, he describes the
difficulties of being gone so often for his flying job, and he
also notes those absences were compounded by the celebrity
status thrust upon him after the crash. He acknowledges the
challenges to his marriage and his relationships with his now
teenage daughters…yet he never seems to address that challenge,
at least not in a way communicated in the book. Instead, it
seems to be a difficulty he accepts as something hard one has to
deal with in life. In addition, he does say that being an
airline pilot is “part of what gives [him] purpose.”
Sullenberger recently retired from flying, saying he wants to
focus on flight safety. It seems sad that, in a way, the 59 year
old pilot seems to still be trying to figure out “what
really matters.”
The “spiritual” side of Sullenberger’s story has been
highlighted by atheists more than anyone else. It is likely they
see a “potential atheist” in his demurring responses to those
who ask if he thinks the results were a “miracle.” To them, a
“famous” and popular atheist would seem a boon.
While Sullenberger’s religious beliefs, or lack thereof, have
been the topic of much speculation, there’s no way to really
know what they are. It is unlikely that he is either an
aggressive evangelical or a militant atheist, though it is
possible his publisher scrubbed possible implications of those
leanings from his book. It is possible to speculate, but that is
all it would be.
Recommended for those interested in aviation, both
military and civil. It may serve a useful purpose in inspiring
introspective on several fronts, like family separations and
mortality. Just realize it makes no effort to ”answer” those
life challenges.
This book is available from
Comment on this review.
Fighter Pilot: Memoirs of Legendary Ace Robin
Robin Olds |
St Martin's Press, 2010
Robin Olds is a legend in the
fighter pilot community, though he may not be recognized outside
of it. Many people may remember, for example, the famous
Operation BOLO during Vietnam, which used F-4s to impersonate
F-105s and succeeded in destroying a third of the North
Vietnamese MiG-21s in a single mission – but few know then-Col
Robin Olds was responsible for it. Fighter Pilot is
his story, and it is explicitly delivered as a memoir, rather
than an autobiography. Thus, it is not a detailed
birth-to-death retelling of his life, but a first-hand
recounting of the things he wishes to convey. (The book was
completed after his 2007 death by his daughter, Christina Olds,
and Ed Rasimus, himself a retired fighter pilot.)
The book starts off somewhat slowly,
almost as if (despite its status as a "memoir"), Olds (or his
co-authors) felt obligated to include some stories from the
early parts of his life. He mentions his early pilot training
days and a few significant events briefly, but provides little
detail or introspective. For example, he casually mentions,
without further insight, that he attended the Air Corps Tactical
School, which would ultimately form the basis for all air
doctrine in the Army Air Forces and eventually the independent
Air Force. He also covers his entire training, from his early
wartime graduation from West Point through becoming a pilot, in
a scant 20 pages. Some of the lack of detail may be for a very
understandable cause: he simply didn't remember much from those
early days. Another may be more pragmatic: Olds is known for
his time in Vietnam, not pilot training.
Unlike some other fighter pilot
often seems less concerned with intricate details of his
dogfighting exploits and more cognizant of strategic matters.
He flew over the beaches of Normandy during the invasion on
D-Day, for example, but rather than bemoaning his lack of
"action," he writes a fascinating perspective of the beaches
from above. Much of his discussions on Vietnam deal with how
the war was being strategically run, not always his own
individual contributions to the tactical effort. In that
respect, Olds' book sometimes reads more like a well-informed
history than a personal story. In another respect, it may
reflect what Olds found important. For example, he
is well-known for shooting down four MiGs in Vietnam (one short
of "ace" status); his office chair at the Air Force Academy even
had four stars painted on it by cadets. It seems he is
less well-known for shooting down 16 total aircraft (making him
a triple-ace) when including his time in World War II.
The book gives the impression that
Olds was the definitive fighter pilot, and that many fighter
pilot traditions spawn directly from his own conduct and life
story. Some of those claims are likely true, while others may
simply be the function of fighter pilot bravado. Either way,
they are an excellent metanarrative on the fighter pilot
The book is a veritable trove of
understanding of what it means to be a fighter pilot, at least
in the traditional and stereotypical way. Many fighter pilot
'urban legends' originated with Olds (or at least associations
with him). He certainly lived the life: The morning he was
supposed to ship out to England he woke up with his furniture
broken and his leg through a wall – and couldn't remember how he
got there. It was an experience he would seemingly repeat many
times throughout his life, without any apparent remorse. By his
account, he intentionally flew an illegal airshow so he would
lose his promotion to General and be sent to war. (It worked.)
The Wall Street Journal, in reviewing this book in
April, said this in confirming Olds'
status as a 'true' fighter pilot:
Robin Olds's marriage to actress
Ella Raines…was always rocky. They both drank too much, and
by his own account he wasn't the most faithful of husbands.
Such waywardness is fairly standard for the profession. The
fighter pilot's job is to shoot planes out of the sky --
with human beings inside them. Doing such work, at the risk
of his own life, leaves him drenched with sweat and pumped
with adrenaline, which he may exorcise with alcohol and high
jinks on a scale that would leave a fraternity boy in awe.
Nothing excuses poor judgment, even
being a fighter pilot. From its inception in the early 20th
century, the machismo and stereotype of the fighter pilot lives
on, however, as this journalist demonstrates in 2010.
Olds was probably best admired for
his "common man" approach to leadership, which is conveyed in
his book. He visited every person in his wing, and reportedly
knew every person by name. He flew high risk missions that
others of his rank would not (also known as "leading from the
front"). His brash moustache in Vietnam was grossly out of
military protocol but was an inspiration to his admirers (and is
traditionally thought to be the inspiration, if not the source,
of the
fighter pilot traditions of
Mustache March and the deployed mustache). He was
politically incorrect and ignored the rules when it made sense
to do so. In just one example, he admits violating Air Force
regulations by modifying his wing's aircraft to carry AIM-9
Sidewinders, instead of the horrificly unreliable AIM-4
Falcons, which ensured his pilots had the ability to
accomplish their missions (and come home alive). (His
"unethical" decisions to protect his men and accomplish the
mission would make for an interesting discussion for morality in
When others wanted aviators
court-martialed for their actions, Olds recommended them for
Silver Stars. His no-holds-barred criticism of the conduct of
the Vietnam war – even while he was still in the Air Force –
made him a hero among the common man, particularly since he
brought with him the credibility of a man who had demonstrated
an ability to get the job done. Olds' unique take on the rules
was emulated during the flyover of his funeral. In a nod to the
departure of a great tactical leader, during the missing man
formation, #1 (the lead aircraft) pulled to the sky, rather than
the traditional pull of #3 (a wingman) .
Even the cover of the book seems to
convey Olds' perspective on his life: The cover eschews rank
and position for only Olds' name and profession: Fighter Pilot.
In case it bears mentioning, Olds'
life story should not necessarily be taken as a model to
emulate. He is rarely self-critical, and conveys stories in
which he is best characterized as a womanizer, a drunk (even
into retirement), intentionally profane, and wantonly
self-centered. On occasion he confesses his conduct may not
have been ideal, but he rarely, if ever, approaches repentance.
Quite the opposite, he is unapologetically a fighter pilot at
heart. He "warned" his first wife of this, and he admits that
his devotion to the military life exceeded that to his marriage,
and it was ultimately the cause of its demise (despite lasting
30 years). After initially finding rest in retirement, he soon
became a popular speaker, a career that enabled him to reconnect
with old friends and relive his glory days – which, by his own
admission, caused the end of his second marriage.
There is no indication Olds had any
time or quarter for any form of religion. Aside from a wide
variety of profane language, scant references to faith include
making sure a Catholic Chaplain went home from Vietnam the long
way around the globe (retribution for a poor report), and
mocking pre-mission prayers by a Chaplain at a B-52 unit. For a
man who killed and had many try to kill him, it appears he
thought little of the afterlife, except perhaps a wistful glance
to the fighter pilot bar in the sky.
No man is without flaws and, as
noted above, Olds was in many ways an admired and
respected leader in the Air Force. Unfortunately, that noble
leadership did not necessarily translate to his personal
character. In balancing these shortcomings of character with
his leadership virtues, however, it is interesting to note that
BrigGen (ret) Robin Olds was chosen as the "class
exemplar" for the US Air Force Academy Class of 2011 -- this
year's firsties. (Olds died 14 June 2007, the same month the
class of 2011 entered basic training at USAFA.)
It is certainly not a book one
should use to figure out "how to be a fighter pilot," at least
not in every sense, nor does it necessarily paint a positive
picture of faith in the fighter pilot world. Still, it is a
well-written and telling story of one of the world's most famous
fighter pilots. Olds' legend has had an immeasurable impact on
the US Air Force's fighter pilot culture, even beyond his
death. For a Christian, an understanding of that culture can
provide a level of expectation and preparation for integrating
faith and profession.
Fighter Pilot by Robin Olds is highly
recommended for any future fighter pilot or those with an
interest in the fighter pilot culture. While it is certainly
not a book about faith in the fighter pilot profession, it
provides an excellent overview of the fighter pilot worldview,
and gives a picture of the culture future fighter pilots will
This book is available at
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Miracles and
Moments of Grace,
Nancy B. Kennedy |
Leafwood, 2011
Miracles and Moments of Grace,
subtitled Inspiring Stories from Military Chaplains, is a
noble attempt at telling the stories of military Chaplains. Each
of its 50 chapters is a story from a military Chaplain, most
told in a first person narrative. Almost all of the Chaplains
are from a Christian faith tradition; a few Jewish Chaplains are
The stories cover the gamut of the modern Chaplaincy, with tales
of Chaplains preventing troops' suicide, notifying families of
their Soldier's death, or giving a first hand account of the
bombings in Beirut or Khobar Towers. In that regard, it shows
the wide array of experiences US military Chaplains encounter in
their service.
The stories themselves vary from extremely well-written to
somewhat disjointed, and from poignant to head-scratching. Some
are clear narrative, others are formatted like an interview
transcript. Some were transcribed specifically for the book,
others are excerpted from other prior sources.
The downside of a compilation or anthology is the challenge of
finding and communicating a unifying element or consistent
theme, and this is Miracles and Moments greatest
weakness. It does not appear the author attempted to connect the
stories or to weave a unifying theme throughout the book. The
book is literally a sequential collection of 50 individual,
unrelated, and unconnected short stories.
The individual stories, too, sometimes seem to lack a central
theme or point within themselves. With 50 stories covering a
mere 240 pages, many are simply too short -- they cover what
should be a complex story so quickly as to be superficial.
Several are interesting reads, but it is sometimes unclear what
message the reader is supposed to walk away from the story with,
other than having read a short story from a Chaplain.
Many of the stories would have benefited from a concluding
paragraph communicating the significance of the Chaplain's
story, to know the lessons learned or "moral" of the story.
Topically, there is little mention of the practical aspects of
Christian living in the military, nor is there any substantial
guidance on applying the Christian faith to the military
The book would likely have benefited from halving the number of
included stories and expanding on those that remained. Including
more details, explaining the theme, and grouping the stories by
central idea would have greatly enhanced the delivery and made
the entire work a more worthwhile read.
Recommended, but only to a limited audience
specifically looking for Chaplain anecdotes (future Chaplains
curious about their potential career may be interested, or those
who write about or research the Chaplaincy). A few of the
stories may serve as a starting point to research the full
"story behind the story" for those keenly interested in the
This book is available at
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Lauren Hillenbrand |
House, 2010
Unbroken, A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and
Redemption is the story of Louis Zamperini -- an Olympic
athlete, B-24 bombardier, POW, and Christian.
Zamperini is famous as the man who many believed "could have"
beaten the 4-minute mile in the 1940s. At 19, he qualified for
the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, even getting to shake Hitler's hand
after a 7th place finish -- in which he sprinted one of the
fastest final laps ever and beat every American time by more
than 12 seconds.
The 1940 Olympics were to be held in Tokyo, and then Finland,
but were ultimately cancelled when Germany began its invasions.
Zamperini would ultimately become a bombardier in World War II
and participate in the bombing of occupied Wake Island. He later
crashed in a search mission near Hawaii; only 3 of the 11
onboard survived the impact. He, his pilot, and the tail gunner
drifted thousands of miles west in a rubber raft. The tail
gunner didn't survive the starvation and dehydration. Zamperini
and his pilot, Lt Russ Allen Phillips, washed up 2,000 miles
away in the Marshall Islands after 47 days on the open ocean in
a rubber raft, emaciated.
They were captured by the occupying Japanese. What follows is
Zamperini's torturous survival over the next two years in
Japanese POW camps, including a near-continuous relationship
with a sadistic guard known as "the Bird." For those unfamiliar
with the historical record on the treatment of prisoners by the
Japanese in World War II -- they considered the POWs without
dignity for having been captured alive -- the book contains
horrifying detail. As a historical record -- and it does appear
to be well-researched -- the book is a sobering but gripping
view into the motivations and men on both sides of the Japanese
Zamperini was ultimately repatriated after the war's end. He
married and had a child, but was haunted by the war and, along
with an alcoholic addiction, fixated on a plan to return to
Japan and kill "the Bird" in an attempt to regain his sanity.
In 1949, his wife virtually forced him to attend a Los Angeles
event held by an almost unknown Billy Graham. He would give his
life to Christ there, giving up both his alcohol and his hatred
for his former captors.
In 1950, he visited the prison in Japan where his former captors
were held. He shook their hands in near exuberance. The Bird was
not among them, thought to be dead.
It turns out the Bird, Mutsuhiro Watanabe, actually survived.
Zamperini found out in the late 1990s, when Watanabe was
interviewed by CBS, revealing little remorse for his actions.
Though Zamperini wanted to see him again, Watanabe refused. The
Bird died in 2003.
Zamperini would leave Billy Graham's Crusade a changed man; he
went on to be a Christian speaker and run a camp for trouble
If that seems like an abrupt end -- it is. As noted, Zamperini
is as famously remembered for his conversion and forgiveness as
he was for his athletics. Yet the 380-page tome, not including
the epilogue or notes, covers his life in great detail, from
childhood on, reaching page 371 before it begins the Graham
crusade. It notes his conversion in some detail, and his life
thereafter in almost none. It's as if his life, as far as
popular culture was concerned, was defined by his story of
survival and resilience, but not redemption, to quote the
In a May 2011 Billy Graham Evangelical Association interview
with Zamperini on the book's release, Zamperini noted it was
"Laura's book,"
so all I could do was pray that she would somehow have the
Gospel in it.
In that regard, the book lacks introspection, spiritual
discussion, or even a reference to lessons Louis had learned in
his life. While the story is captivating, as it has been for the
past 6 decades, when told so clinically, bereft of spiritual
introspection even after the fact, it comes across as almost
Coincidentally, Zamperini had just finished the second version
of his own memoir, Devil at my Heels, when Hillenbrand called up
wanting to write his story. His self-published version was
re-issued not long after Unbroken was published.
Unbroken is an engaging read and imparts an important
understanding of both history, war, and the people in it. It is
though for the full story you should also read Zamperini's
autobiography. If you only have time for one, read Devil at
My Heels.
This book is available at
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Devil at My Heels,
Louis Zamperini |
David Rensin
Harper Collins, 2003 (2011)
Devil at My Heels is the autobiography of Louis
Zamperini, an Olympic athlete, B-24 bombardier, POW, and
Christian. It seems most people come upon the book by first
finding Laura Hillenbrand's Unbroken,
the biography of the same man published around the same time.
Unsurprisingly, much of the text is the same. It is, after all,
the same man's true story. The stories are generally identical,
though told in slightly different ways. As noted in the review
of Unbroken, Zamperini's story there is a well told
narrative but lacks introspection, and what is arguably the most
significant step in Zamperini's life -- his conversion to Christ
and his life thereafter -- earns a scant 9-pages (of 400) in
Hillenbrand's tome.
In Devil at My Heels, the same stories are told in the
first person, with side comments and introspection from the
author that are at times distracting while simultaneously adding
personal depth to the tale. If Unbroken was written as a
story of action and survival to eventually grace the silver
screen, Devil at My Heels was written to see the heart of
the man.
While Unbroken barely noted Zamperini's conversion and
his decision to forgive his former captors, Zamperini's
autobiography devotes the final 50 pages (of 289) to both that
portion of his life and a heart-felt summary of his faith, life,
and perspective. It is in these pages that Zamperini
communicates a message no biographer ever could.
Interestingly, both books follow a theme revealed only in the
autobiography. Zamperini says he was put off by "pressure
tactics" from Christians who seemed to force the the gospel
"down people's throats," and "gave Christianity a bad name" in
the process. His book, like Unbroken, carefully tells his
story and ends with a straightforward account of his conversion
and its impact on his life. While the final pages of Devil at
My Heels clearly makes a more in depth and explicit
presentation of his faith compared to Hillenbrand's book,
overbearing it is not.
At the same time, though, he noted his refusal to water down his
faith in the proposed transition of his story to a Hollywood
movie (advice he was given by Dean Hess, another famous military
Christian and author of Battle Hymn),
which is one reason why the film was never made. As noted in an
interview with the Billy Graham Evangelical Association, he
"hoped" the gospel would be included in Hillenbrand's book, over
which he had no control. Both the message and the delivery were
important to Zamperini.
Zamperini was not neither a Christian Olympic athlete nor a
Christian B-24 bombardier. The most well-known parts of his life
-- his Olympic race, his open ocean survival, his trials in
Japanese POW camps -- are at once sobering and fascinating
glimpses into an era most characterized by the ugliness of war.
His conversion to Christianity and his ability to overcome that
ugliness through his new-found faith are inspiring for both men
and women in today's military, as well as those simply walking
the faith of Christ.
Devil at My Heels is highly
Unbroken was reviewed here. If
you only have time for one, Devil at My Heels is the easy
This book is available at
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Alex Kendrick (Sherwood Pictures) |
Pictures, 2011
Courageous, a movie about five men and the challenges of
fatherhood, was the number one new movie in America when it hit
theatres in 2011, and its DVD release hit the top of the charts
as well. The church-made film reportedly had a budget of around
$2 million, a number that belies its high production quality.
Box office numbers were in the $34M range.
Four of the men are Albany police officers, and one is a local
construction worker. The film doesn't directly address the
challenges of living a Christian faith or being a father as it
relates to their careers, though at one point the police chief
pointedly says
"Look, I know your shift-work's hard, and I know you see the
worst side of people out there. But when you clock out, go home
and love your families."
Both the film and its producers (who previously made Facing
the Giants and Fireproof) are unapologetically
Christian, and faith is central to the movie's message. The
challenging message to be good fathers is related clearly across
career fields, race, and family history. Whether you are a
fighter pilot, security forces, crew chief, or civilian, it is a
message worth hearing -- and prayerfully acting on.
The film is a moving, challenging, and entertaining movie that
is well worth watching -- especially for fathers or those who
may one day be.
Courageous is highly
and is available at
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A Quiet Reality,
Emilio Marrero |
A Quiet Reality, subtitled A
Chaplain's Journey into Babylon, Iraq, with the I Marine
Expeditionary Force, is not just another war story. A
Quiet Reality is unique both for the perspective it lends --
a chaplain to US Marines during the invasion of Iraq -- and the
story it tells -- the interaction of the US military with the
historic site of Babylon, Iraq.
Chaplain Marrero's story isn't told in pure narrative. Rather,
each chapter follows an almost sermon-like style, with a
well-told narrative followed by a more deliberate explanation
and analysis, with a concluding faith-based story or analogy. In
each case, no matter how dramatic the tale, Chaplain Marrero is
able to articulate the "quiet reality" of his experiences. It is
a formula that works very well.
The crux of the story is Chaplain Marrero's work with local
Iraqis and US Marines to protect and explore the historic site
of Babylon, which was located next to the I MEF camp. Through a
significant initiative on Chaplain Marrero's part, the ruins of
the ancient palace of Nebuchadnezzar would eventually be
included within the protective lines of the Marine camp. With
his coordination, members of the military -- and even US
congressmen -- would eventually be taken on tours of the ruins.
Local Iraqis would be employed in the ruins and take advantage
of the opportunity to open a market to sell their wares to the
visiting Americans. Ultimately, Chaplain Marrero was key to the
orderly handover of the site to the Iraqi Ministry of Culture.
Notably, Chaplain Marrero provides outstanding explanations and
perspectives on the roles and purposes of military chaplains.
For example, in counseling a junior chaplain who refused to
leave his tent (he wanted to "preach, not go to war"), Chaplain
Marrero says
I attempted to pastorally
respond and yet remind him of our unusual role so I retorted
with, "If you don't walk with them, live with them, and
suffer with them, then with what credible authority can you
come to share with them?"
Our relevancy as clergy, in
uniform and out of uniform, is rooted in that we have walked
with the people and having endured with them. In that
journey with our people we can then point to places and
times where God intersects with us in the journey...Even to
those who profess no religious belief chaplains hope to
serve as a reminder of that which is moral and ethical in
our society.
The chaplain also provides an
interesting explanation of the integration of the chaplaincy
within the Navy, where chaplains are essentially assigned to
commands, which differs slightly from the other services, where
chaplains are generally assigned to individual units.
A Quiet Reality is well-written, and the occasional typo or
verbose narrative is easily overlooked. The story does largely
focus on Marrero's role as a staff chaplain, meaning there are
few references to leading individual religious services or other
chaplain roles like counseling, though Chaplain Marrero
continued to fulfill those duties. Still, the unique perspective
and excellent content make A Quiet Reality well worth the
A Quiet Reality is
and is available at Amazon.
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Leading with Honor,
Lee Ellis |
Media, 2012.
Leading with Honor, Leadership Lessons from the Hanoi Hilton,
is a unique and outstanding book by former prisoner of war Lee
Ellis, an F-4 pilot who spent nearly six years in POW camps in
Vietnam. Its stated intent is to pass on "leadership" lessons
from the "crucible of captivity." In truth, it is much more than
that: It teaches lessons that are applicable to all of life.
Ellis, who was a 1st Lt at the time, was on his 53rd mission
over North Vietnam when he was shot down. He was captured almost
immediately and spent the next years of his life fighting to
survive and "return with honor." Ellis relates his experiences
in a gripping, realistic way that is engaging without
overwhelming the reader with the terror that was the life of
daily torture.
In each chapter, Ellis relates a tale of his captivity, astutely
draws both leadership and life lessons from it, and then
provides relevant "coaching" guidance to aid in the application
of the lessons. In a nod to the military culture, the key point
of each chapter is highlighted as a "foot stomper" -- a term
every military trainee knows means to pay special attention
(because what you're about to hear will be on the test...).
Some of the examples of the applied lessons are specific to the
business community, as in examples of Ellis' consulting with
Fortune 500 companies. All of them, however, are applicable to
For example, in the first section on "Know Yourself," Ellis
highlights the need for a life purpose that goes beyond oneself:
It's fine to set your sights on any number of worthwhile
goals...But all of these achievements will be hollow if they
don't align with an overall purpose that holds up under
life-and-death scrutiny.
Ellis distills this in the coaching section as
1. Consider your purpose...What on earth were you created to do?
Ellis recognizes the innate need to understand your higher
purpose -- something the US Army is even now trying to assist in
its Soldiers as it fights the tragedy of suicide.
There are two significant highlights of the book. The first is
Ellis' articulation of courage -- a definition that only the
credibility of a POW can bring:
My own working definition of courage is that it's doing what is
right or called for in the situation, even when it does not feel
safe or natural. If your commitment (will) is strong enough, I
believe you can muster the courage to make honorable choices in
the face of virtually any challenge. The strength of your will
is connected to your commitment to live from your deepest
desires. Leading with honor is difficult; it can only be
achieved when tied to such a commitment.
The second is Ellis' excellent explanation of his "Continuous
Development Model," which he applies to the iterative
improvement process of the USAF Thunderbirds.
Lee Ellis is also a man of faith, and he writes that faith was
integral to the lives of the captives:
We had faith in each other, in our leaders, in our country, in
our families, and especially in God. The old saying that "there
are no atheists in foxholes" was certainly true in the POW
camps...I knew God loved me unconditionally, and that He had a
plan for my life...I could recall many of my favorite scripture
verses. Romans 8:28--"In all things God works for the good of
those who love Him, who have been called according to His
purpose" -- and other passages, like Psalms 1, 23, and 100 gave
me an inner strength and a sense of peace that kept me going.
Those are just a few examples of the wisdom conveyed in Leading
with Honor. Written in a style that is conducive to individual
chapter study and practical application, it is an easy read and
well worth the time of even busy pilots. It is at once a moving
memoir from captivity in Vietnam, a primer on leadership, and a
reference on life.
Leading with Honor is highly
This book is available at
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Memoirs from Babylon,
Chaplain (Capt) Jeff Bryan |
Memoirs from Babylon, A Combat Chaplain’s life in Iraq's
Triangle of Death, is the story of Chaplain (Capt) Jeff
Bryan's deployment to Iraq with the 10th Mountain Division from
2006 to 2007.
The book stands as one of the better examples of the "day to
day" operations of a chaplain deployed to a US military war
zone, both for his perspective on the combat itself but also for
the duties to which he tended. He tells repeated stories of
counseling soldiers who learn of family deaths back home,
scrounging a Catholic chaplain to provide pre-combat Mass for a
host of his troops, and routinely going out on missions with the
men of his unit -- and their admiration for his doing so. He
tells gripping firsthand accounts of helping with the wounded --
including Iraqi children -- and the feelings of watching
insurgents receive medical care just feet from wounded
Americans. In one instance, he prepares for a memorial ceremony
while being called off to counsel other soldiers who had just
lost a comrade in battle -- only to be called yet again to
another without finishing the first two.
The book starts slowly, describing Bryan's life growing up,
including his 5-year stint as a US Army infantryman searching
out a war. The narrative communicates Bryan's development
through the Assemblies of God ordination to becoming a chaplain.
The stories are told thick with emotion and drama -- including a
few somewhat overplayed cliff-hangers. Several of the tales are
told with extremes of fear and danger, love and hate. Chaplain
Bryan also displays an unusual frankness in telling his hard
feelings for the Iraqis, which he repeated in an interview with
NPR while deployed. The interview was part of a longer NPR show,
which is still
available online and seems to be a bit more benign than
Bryan's dramatic retelling of it.
The narrative sometimes takes on a staccato, disjointed feel, as
much of the book is apparently taken from Chaplain Bryan's
wartime journal. Some of the book maintains the feel of a
collection of short, quick-note diary entries.
Besides the many positive stories of a chaplain's service to
troops in combat, Chaplain Bryan's story contains many other
significant events and observations, some not so positive --
from a chaplain's assistant who refuses combat duty to the
controversial admonition from a brigade chaplain that chaplains
not pray in Jesus' name. Unfortunately, some of the more
substantial events get only a cursory mention.
Despite a few shortcomings in style, Memoirs from Babylon
remains an effective overview of the work of a chaplain in the
war zone, information often lacking in the story of modern
warfare. Chaplain Bryan does a good job of telling the story of
"authentic faith in the foxhole," and the book is one of the few
that conveys the experiences of a chaplain integrated in combat
operations. Those who are interested in the view of combat from
a chaplain, or seeing the experiences of a chaplain in war and
on combat missions, will find Memoirs a good read.
Recommended for those interested in the role and
experiences of chaplains in modern combat.
This book is available from
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