China’s Newest Fighter, Stealth J-20

There’s been much ado lately regarding the normally secretive Chinese allowing photos and videos of their new “stealth plane” to make its way onto the internet.

Interestingly, it comes as the current administration has cancelled the F-22 future acquisitions, is planning to shrink the Defense Department’s budget, and may potentially cancel some portions of the F-35.  The Stars and Stripes repeats speculation the administration has been “caught flat-footed.”

One comment

  • And who gave them the industrial machinery and know-how? 95% of the USSR technology was imported from the West around 2/3 of it was american. The “Gorki” plant in RUssia (built by Ford in the 1930´s) supplied 70% of the military vehicles the Communists in Vietnam used…the Vietnam war was raging and Ford Motor Company was sending the latest industrial equipment and know-how to this factory. This is a very very small example. There is a small but key portion of the US “corporotocracy” that deserves being lined up against the wall and shoot.

    Another very very small example, in the 1970´s the USSR lacked the hability to make the miniature ball-bearings used to make the famous “MIRV” ICBM missiles…there was one 1 company in the World that produced the machines capable of making this ball-bearing, it was called “Bryant Chucking Grinder” (recently closed). Bryant Chucking Grinder was allowed to ship 45 of this machines when the US had only 33, this scandalous transfer of technology was done under heavy protest and Doctor Henry Kissinger was personally being it. I repeat, 95% of the USSR technology was imported, just look at any military machine and think about what that means…

    And now its hapenning again with China.