Air Force Selects Only 87 Officers for Flight Training

In March, the Air Force announced it had selected 87 company grade officers for Undergraduate Flying Training (UFT). UFT in Air Force parlance includes training for pilots, UAV operators, systems operators, and Air Battle Managers.

The Air Force does not release the numbers of total applicants, though it seems reasonable to conclude a few hundred applied. As the selectees were divided into a further four groups, only one of which was pilots, it seems the pilot track in the Air Force remains quite difficult to enter from active duty.

It can be done, as probably 20 to 40 of this board’s applicants can attest — but it is difficult.

Other options include applying for pilot training at accession from Officer Training School (OTS), ROTC, or the Air Force Academy. Also, joining the Air Force through a National Guard program has the possibility of pilot training as well, with the added benefit of knowing precisely what you’ll fly.

Getting selected for pilot training remains very competitive, regardless of your route.