Sailors Answer Call to Service, Call of God

An official Navy story from Recruit Training Command goes into great detail about the baptism of some Seaman Recruits during Navy boot camp:

When Seaman Recruit (SR) Antonio Brown, SR Christina Ferrer and SR Shaina Moore answered the call to service by joining the Navy, they also answered the call of God and were baptized March 26, while in boot camp at Recruit Training Command (RTC), Great Lakes.

Joining them were SR Amanda Becerra, SR Jonathon Ingles, and SR Jonathan Jenkins who served as witnesses as well as participants in a rededication ceremony making a public declaration of their own faith.

One of the recruits extolled the virtues of the Navy’s provision of religious services during basic training:

“My faith in God, praying every day during the good times and the bad, reading daily scriptures every day, and being able to talk to the chaplain is what got me through boot camp,” said Becerra. “I probably would not be graduating on time if I didn’t have my faith or the services that RTC gives us like the chaplain and chapel services and the right to attend service. I would not be out of here tomorrow with my division if it wasn’t for my faith and the services they gave to me and offered me.”

The baptisms were performed by Navy Chaplain (Lt) Chad Haan.  The article does note that the Recruit Memorial Chapel “cannot offer services for all faith traditions represented by Recruits,” but all are welcomed regardless.

The story was also reported on the RTC Facebook page.