Retiring Army Chaplain on Priorities

US Army III Corps Command Chaplain (Col) Matthew Goff recently relinquished his pastoral leadership and retired. He used the opportunity to provide his advice on how to “do well through all the days in your life:”

“Your first commitment in life is your commitment to God and the practice of your faith. The second commitment is the commitment to your family. Last, your commitment to this profession.”

God, family, profession.

His sage advice is similar to what many Christians are taught in their faith. (The same priorities are discussed in “Christian Fighter Pilot” is not an Oxymoron, and here.) You cannot have a right relationship with people if you do not first have a right relationship with God. To the second priority, the US military similarly recognizes a service member cannot faithfully fulfill their commitment to the Service if they are not fulfilling their commitments to their families.

Read more about Chaplain Goff’s ceremony here.