Mikey Weinstein’s Friends and Allies in Military High Places, Part 4

As noted previously, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein claims the US military is overrun by Christians trying to take over the world, and he is sacrificing himself as a martyr in a one-man crusade to save us all.  Except…

It seems Weinstein is fast friends with the top leaders of the very military services he claims he’s fighting — contrary to his frequent claims he is but a lowly David fighting an institutional Goliath.

In two examples, Weinstein’s “close personal…relationship” with an Air Force base’s commanding general has already been discussed, as has his unusual access to an Air Force Colonel’s non-releasable records.  In a more significant example, The JAG of the Air Force for nearly 6 years, LtGen Jack Rives, was the legal face of the Air Force as it (presumably) fended off Weinstein’s attacks.  After he retired, though, former TJAG LtGen Rives turned ardent cheerleader for Weinstein’s crusade against religious freedom in the US military.

Now, Weinstein has publicly announced that very recently retired LtGen William Lord has “long” been an ally for Weinstein’s cause.  At his retirement just a year ago, LtGen William Lord was the AF Chief Information Officer — in the office of the Secretary of the Air Force.  Recalling his recent visit to the “well-appointed” office of the Superintendent of West Point, Weinstein said [emphasis added]: 

I was honored to be accompanied by my trusted friend, USAF Academy Class of 1977 classmate and longtime, loyal MRFF ally, recently retired United States Air Force Lt. Gen. William T. Lord.

(Weinstein’s reference to his “classmate” is interesting, given that the Air Force staff is currently made up largely of Generals who were Weinstein’s subordinate cadets at USAFA.)

Like LtGen Rives, LtGen Lord was part of the very Air Force Headquarters staff to whom Weinstein’s MRFF and friends lodged complaints.

Weinstein claimed he held influence over the Chief of Staff of the Air Force; the TJAG and USAF CIO were his allies while they were serving on the HQ staff. With all these friends in high places, who was Weinstein fighting?

To be fair, Weinstein and these allies wait until their retirement to announce their “longtime” alliance, and they are free to associate with any ideology they choose after retirement, including Weinstein’s conspiracy theory that Christians are trying to start a nuclear war.  Their public alignment so soon after retirement — along with accusations that Weinstein has unusual access to military leadership — begs the question, though.

Still, Weinstein’s recent public relations faux pas may have cost him some of his capital.  While he managed to get a personal email response from the new Air Force Chief of Staff, it seems General Welsh has now followed the lead of retired USAFA Superintendent LtGen Gould and turned off the direct-line bat signal (much to Weinstein’s frustration, no doubt).  Other reports indicate the Air Force is “no longer returning [Weinstein’s] phone calls” after the April conflagration generated a host of bad press for the Air Force.

For a man with “trusted friends” and “allies” at the top of the Pentagon, and who once arrogantly described his own self-importance by claiming he let four-star General’s calls go to voicemail because he was busy watching TV, that’s got to bruise the ego.