Fort Hood Victim Feels Betrayed by President Obama

Kimberly Munley, one of the civilian security personnel who exchanged fire with accused Fort Hood shooter US Army Maj Nidal Malik Hasan, has said she feels “betrayed” by the President.

“Betrayed is a good word,” former Sgt. Kimberly Munley told ABC News in an interview Tuesday. “Not to the least little bit have the victims been taken care of. In fact, they’ve been neglected.”

Survivors and families of the victims have filed a lawsuit against the government, claiming it is hiding behind its own classification of “workplace violence” to avoid legal and financial responsibility.

Pentagon spokesman George Little said the government would not “further characterize” the incident to maintain the integrity of Hasan’s court-martial.

The massacre took place more than three years ago.  Hasan’s trial has yet to begin, though at least one US Soldier inspired by him is already serving his own life sentence for planning another attack.

Interestingly, the Stars and Stripes carried an Austin American-Statesman article noting the friendship that has grown between Kerry Cahill — son of the only civilian killed in the massacre — and Nader Hasan, cousin of accused shooter Nidal Malik Hasan.

Congressman John Carter (R-Tx) plans to reintroduce a bill that would grant combat status to the action at Fort Hood.  A noteworthy element of his announcement is that he recognizes 14 people died in the massacre, despite the fact only 13 murder charges were filed.