US Troops Celebrate Islamic Eid in Afghanistan

Special Forces from Albania recently helped their fellow coalition troops participate in the Islamic celebration of Eid al-Adha, which “celebrates Abraham’s act of obedience” with regard to the command to sacrifice his son Isaac.

The event organized by the Albanian Special Operations Force Contingent Eagle Five brought together Muslim and non-Muslim service members and civilians from throughout the base. The celebration, known as Kurban Bajram in Albanian, centered around a lunchtime barbeque open to all personnel.

In a similar experience, an official DoD article notes hundreds of troops at Camp Leatherneck, largely from Jordan, likewise celebrated the Eid.

US military forces around the world have the opportunity to share in the cultural and religious traditions of their allies, as well as share their own traditions with allies.  Religious freedom in this context includes the ability to exercise and share religious faith, without fear of punishment or government intervention.

Exposure to different religious beliefs, as well as seeing the respectful tolerance of differing beliefs, can be a positive experience for all concerned