Atheist Dates and Military Religious Freedom Advertising

It’s long been known that Michael Weinstein is starved for attention in a way unique for a man his age.  His zealotry for his cause is so consuming, in fact, there are times even his wife has said he has gone “overboard” — because he wants attention.

“When he goes a little overboard, we talk about it,” [Bonnie Weinstein] said. “But people don’t realize that going overboard is what’s getting the attention.”

In theory, Weinstein’s claims of ubiquitous persecution would result in droves of US military members beating down his door for help.  In fact, the opposite is true — in 2007 Weinstein even had to advertise to find someone to complain:

Without such a pawn, Weinstein knew he would have no standing to file a lawsuit — which was likely his intent all along.

(While he now claims around 27,000 “clients,” he also admitted his “clients” are an undefined group of whomever he says they are.)

Apparently, so many people are clamoring for his services Weinstein has also taken to advertising with Google Adwords.  The fact that his charity needs to advertise in such a way isn’t altogether unusual; many organizations do.  The one-line blurbs he chooses, however, are interesting insights into the perspective he has on his mission:


Watch our video – See the American Taliban in action in the military

Who is in Weinstein’s video?  A Christian US military chaplain delivering a sermon in a military chapel in Afghanistan — something even Weinstein’s researcher Chris Rodda, no friend to religious freedom herself, admits is “permissible.”  Apparently, Christians exercising their Constitutionally-protected religious liberties are the “American Taliban” against whom Weinstein is waging “war.”

Some are a bit comical:

Others are more targeted:

And some are just obscure:

Advertising in this way is an interesting choice, particularly since most of those search terms are unique enough that Weinstein’s site comes up in the top search results anyway, making the ads redundant, with one or two notable exceptions.  Of course, Weinstein only pays if someone actually clicks on the ads.

It is notable that these advertisements don’t point to his home website.  They lead to a separate landing page for fundraising.  Then again, for Michael Weinstein, money is what its all about.


  • Hey, JD, guess what happens when you go to Google and type in Franklin Graham? These Google ads come:

    Franklin Graham Ministry |
    Donate to Help Samaritan’s Purse Efforts to Reach a Hurting World.

    Billy Graham Association |
    After 60 years of ministry, the most urgent work is happening now!

    Gee, just like MRFF! I guess you would then say that for Franklin Graham, money is what it’s all about, right?

  • American Taliban? DISGUSTING!

  • @Chris Rodda
    You were recently promoted to an entire research “department.” Maybe you should hire someone who can read for comprehension.

    The fact that his charity needs to advertise in such a way isn’t altogether unusual; many organizations do. The one-line blurbs he chooses, however…