Air Force Times Seeks Opinions on Religion and the Air Force

The Air Force Times is seeking comments on religion and the Air Force.  The short ‘call for comments’ normally precedes an upcoming article or series that will quote many of the submitted statements.

Their questions:

  • Is the Air Force too cozy with religion, particularly Christianity? 
  • Has it done too much to keep references to God out of everything?
  • Do you feel that there is an expectation from some in the Air Force that you believe in God?
  • If you don’t believe in a god or practice religion, do you feel comfortable telling your fellow airmen that?

One of the first lessons some Airmen hear is “the Air Force Times is not your friend.”  Despite their name, they are an independent newspaper whose purpose is to increase sales (as is the case for most media organizations).

That said, if you’d like to make attributable comments to the Air Force Times, feel free.