The Patriotic God-Gap in America

CNN’s religion blog highlighted research by Christianity Today suggesting evangelical Christians may be statistically more “patriotic” than other Americans:

Among those surveyed, evangelicals were the most likely to think the United States is No. 1.

“Other Christian traditions were less enthusiastic about America’s position in the world, but they still saw the U.S. as one of the best on the planet. About 40% of other Christians said the U.S. stands alone as the greatest country; around 55% said it and some other countries were equally great.

Those “without religious beliefs” held a “much less favorable view” of America:

“Only one in five of those without religious beliefs said the U.S. is the best country in the world, an equal percentage agreeing that ‘there are other countries that are better than the U.S.’ ”

The “God gap” may extend even to the flag:

A Pew poll taken March 30-April 3 suggested that 78% of religious people display the flag on their clothing, in the office or at home, while 58% of nonreligious do likewise.

Evangelicals were the most likely to say they displayed the flag; those Americans unaffiliated with religion the least likely.

If there truly is a “God-gap” in patriotic feeling, what are the chances there’d be a similar “God-gap” in those who serve in the US military…?


  • Patriotism? You keep using that word. I do not think that word means what you think it means. Perhaps some have a deeper understanding of love of country than cheering “We’re number one!” or wearing emblems. Life ain’t a pep rally, bucko.

  • Timothy of New York

    Thinking that America is number 1 means that you are patriotic?

    What did they think America was Number 1 IN, precisely?

    Answer this : what IS America BEST at?

    We don’t have the highest GDP, we are not the most religious, we are not the largest in either area nor population, our people do not live the longest, we are not the best educated. We are number 49 in literacy. We aren’t even very good with science or math, nor geography.

    We are frankly rather embarrassing in our performance on health issues across the board, we don’t pay very well. We imprison more people than most countries, we have higher out-of-wedlock rates, higher poverty rates, higher one-parent household than a great many countries.

    Being Number 1 is quite a testable claim. For evangelicals to believe such a thing without it being demonstrably true doesn’t make them patriotic, it makes them gullible.

  • Display their flag on clothing?

    The U.S. Flag Code, section 4-(d) states: “The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery.”

    So, belief in an untestable claim and acting in a manner deemed disrespectful to the flag is considered “patriotic” in your world?

  • @Timothy of New York

    We’re #1 in highest prison population and #1 in military spending. Yay!