Report: Most Afghans Don’t Know about 9/11

One of the frequent memes about associations of the Christian religion with the US military has been the “propaganda” value it supplies to those who would try to turn Afghans against the allied forces.

A recent report, however, shows that 92% of Afghans in two volatile provinces don’t even know about the events of 11 September 2001.  They have no idea why foreign forces are in their country, despite the fact the war is 10 years on.  (Perhaps the silver lining is they don’t think the US staged the attacks as an excuse for imperialistic crusading, as some conspiracy theorists seem to believe.)

Apparently, most Afghans aren’t aware of what is probably the single most publicized act in modern history, yet they were driven to the Taliban in droves because there were Biblical references to “light” on military rifle scopes that even most Americans didn’t know about.

In actuality, it is likely that the well-informed American public, not the Afghan public, is the target of “propaganda” by both the Taliban and American conspiracy theorists.


  • The recent report has no surprises; Afghanistan is impoverished and the second least developed and poorest country in the world. Every half hour, an average of one woman dies from pregnancy-related complications, another dies of tuberculosis and 14 children die, largely from preventable causes. Approx 36% of its citizens live below the poverty line, 42% of the population live on less than $1 a day.

    The 1000 interviewed out of approx 29 million people and we have rock solid statistics that the American conspiracy theorists got it all wrong (and maybe so). This country hasn’t made it out of the 18th century and some type of war [fighting] has been ongoing continuously for more than 4 decades. I’ll hazard a guess they don’t have a lot of TVs or much interested in what the rest of the world is doing either.

    It doesn’t appear the rest of the world cares too much about Afghanistan either. Maybe someday, after American soldiers make it “safer” the ever-so kind United Nations will pull their collective (insert colorful metaphor) out of their (insert another colorful metaphor) and help bring them to “light” as well.

  • on a similar note, every Predator strike into Pakistan gets national attention, yet when the military helps out in the floods it’s under-reported.

    historically it was the same with the US going to the moon during the Vietnam war.

    This is why I like free speech. Back me up on the quote, but the competition of ideas leads to truth, not suppression.

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