US Military Formation Under Gay Pride Flag

Near the end of June, Joint Base Langley-Eustis held a “gay pride” run. At one point, the participants, some of whom were wearing US Army PT uniforms, stood in formation with the “gay pride” flag as a guidon.

Apparently, they like announcing their preferred sexual practices to the world.

Imagine for a second the wailing and gnashing of teeth if JBLE had a Religious Freedom Day run and the participants formed up under a Christian flag. In fact, you almost don’t have to imagine.  Just about any time a Christian flag or a cross shows up in a military picture, you’ll hear Michael “Mikey” Weinstein and Christine “Chris” Rodda demand a court-martial and claim the participants are trying to conquer the world for Jesus.

Nothing but support here, though.

Interesting, isn’t it, what’s considered acceptable now — and what’s not.