Comprehensive Airman Fitness: The Spiritual Pillar

“The spiritual pillar gives you optimism; it helps you adjust to the adversities of life,” said Lt. Col. Tammy Dotson, 21st Space Wing 21st Mission Support Group deputy commander…

According to Dotson, Airmen should identify themselves with their beliefs, principles and values…

Dotson said her religion and faith in God is what helps her make it through each day.

“When you’re dealing with separation from family, when you’re dealing with a lot of people and their problems, their issues, their trials and tribulations — a lot of that weight is heavy because we weep with those that weep and we rejoice with those that rejoice,” Dotson said. “When you’re in a position of leadership, it’s very taxing…”

“For me, spirituality has been my rock and salvation the entire time I’ve been in the military,” Dotson said

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