Mikey Weinstein Cites Weasel Zippers. How the Mighty Have Fallen.

Mikey Weinstein’s good side, via Pam Zubeck.
There was a time when Michael “Mikey” Weinstein dined with celebrity. He boasted ambassadors and movie stars as advisors, let calls from senior military leaders go to voicemail so as to not interrupt his TV shows, and “graced” cable news shows like The O’Reilly Factor. He was “somebody,” at least in his own mind.
Now, Weinstein’s star has so faded that he gets giddy when he’s merely mentioned in someone’s Facebook post. Or, as was the case earlier this week, he celebrated the fact he was “covered” by the website “Weasel Zippers“. The “coverage” by the obscure conservative news aggregator consisted of six words:
Mikey needs to get a life.
That’s apparently the level of Weinstein’s celebrity now.
Notably, despite scrounging the internet in response to Google alerts and “mentions,” Mikey doesn’t celebrate the “coverage” he gets on this site.
Now why would anyone choose to cite “get a life” over sound, reasoned arguments on religious liberty? Perhaps Mikey Weinstein is afraid of something.
Ironic, too, given that one of the top Google results for “Mikey Weinstein” and “Chris Rodda” is ChristianFighterPilot.com. Mikey may not like it, but plenty of people see it.