US Military Continues to Ignore Mikey Weinstein, Lessons Learned
by Sonny Hernandez

Via the MRFF
On Monday, April, 27, 2017, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), which is actually a “freedom from religion” foundation that harasses Christians, issued a communiqué titled, “MRFF files official Department of Defense Inspector General (DoD/IG) complaint against USAF Chaplain (Capt.) Sonny Hernandez.” In this complaint, the MRFF’s attorney sent a letter to the Deputy Inspector General for Administrative Investigations that alleged:
USAF Chaplain (Capt.) Sonny L. Hernandez’s blog post on “Christian Fighter Pilot”…can reasonably be considered as violating Numerous Punitive Articles [sic] defined in The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) [sic].
I. Background
To explain what caused this accusation ad-nauseam, (CFP) posted a blog that mentioned then-Col Kristin Goodwin, an open homosexual, by simply asking a rhetorical question, and the MRFF used their benighted researcher to seize the opportunity to accuse the CFP of misconduct. Here is the question that caused the MRFF to complain [emphasis added]:
The policy known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was instated in February of 1994. Anyone who entered the military prior to that date answered a question about homosexuality during the enlistment process. Those who answered in the affirmative were refused enlistment.
How was Col Goodwin — an open homosexual — able to enter the Air Force?
As a result, I wrote an article to defend the CFP by pointing out just how desperate Weinstein is—that he will anathematize anyone, especially Christians, to protect his fundraising endeavors, in my opinion. This makes sense, especially since Weinstein abhors Christians, and supports homosexual perversion, which is anti-Christian.
Also, it is important to note that the CFP has reported on Weinstein’s prior fundraising that may cause observers to opine if Weinstein is more than just a narcissistic, petulant critic, but also a non-profit charlatan. Weinstein’s personal “charity” has given him more than $2.2M since he created it.
II. Lessons Learned
There are certainly some lessons learned from Mikey’s legal attempt to have the US military inflict sanctions on me as retribution for conduct Mikey does not like. This article will explain a few, so our readers can learn how the MRFF’s legal attempts can affect others.
A. The MRFF’s legal complaint was verbose and time consuming
Instead of sending a concise and cogent letter to the Deputy Inspector General for Administrative Investigations to examine their allegations, MRFF attorney Donald Rehkopf sent an elongated missive that was 22 pages in length.
How did some members of the US military respond? I was informed by many, to include senior officers, that nobody had time to read a psycho-blabbering thesis paper that was not dignified—but rather desperate. The one person that I know who did read it said simply that it took away minutes of his life that he will never get back.
B. The MRFF’s legal complaint caused stomach pains
In addition to filing a blabbering legal complaint, the MRFF’s Chris Rodda made an attempt to incite the gender-confused, Christian-bashing community. Rodda posted a blog on the Daily Kos with several desperate attempts to incite the media to make a public spectacle of the CFP and me [emphasis added]:
“…[He has] provided his readers with a steady stream of misogynistic, gay-bashing, Islamophobic, and other very “Christian” posts for over a decade.”
“Both [of them] [are] so unabashedly misogynistic and homophobic…”
“Chaplain Hernandez’s defense of [the] homophobic, disrespectful, and completely unfounded accusation against Brig. Gen. (S) Goodwin has now led MRFF’s attorneys to file an additional official complaint with the Deputy Inspector General for Administrative Investigations — this time against Chaplain Hernandez.”
Note that no where does Rodda provide any proof of her accusations. She is content merely to assign labels and hope the pejoratives and innuendo will do the work for her.
How did some members of the US military respond to the MRFF’s complaint, and Rodda’s desperate attempt to incite the media?
There were several members of the US military that complained of stomach pain—not because of legal consternation, but because of habitual laughter. A senior officer even informed several others that he thought the MRFF’s complaint was satire. This is how seriously people are taking the MRFF’s legal threats these days.
C. The MRFF’s legal complaint caused readers to pray in fear
Legal threats can easily stir emotions and cause foreboding. The MRFF’s legal intimidation may incite fear by stigmatizing service members as (what Weinstein deems) unconstitutional and a threat. Victims of Weinstein’s legal threats are usually unlettered and scared service members who are unaware that Weinstein’s ability to litigate in court is embarrassing, in my opinion. These service members are unaware of all Weinstein’s legal victories; that is to say, he has zero victories in court.
Nevertheless, service members should fret over the MRFF’s legal complaints — not because of legal sanctions, but because they indicate Weinstein is lost and in need of a Savior.
D. The Air Force responded, sort of
Chris Rodda ended her Daily Kos screed with one final salvo in her attack of desperation [emphasis added]:
“Will the Air Force continue to allow this duo of virulently homophobic, misogynistic bloggers within its ranks to operate as usual with complete impunity?”
This is a loaded question with an “unjustified assumption.” In reality, there do not appear to be any “virulently homophobic, misogynistic bloggers within [Air Force] ranks”, nor does Rodda provide any evidence to support her assertion.
As to the Air Force officers the MRFF accused of misconduct, much can be learned from reactions from Mikey Weinstein and Chris Rodda reactions since their complaint was publicized. Had the Air Force met their demands to sanction these allegedly law-breaking officers, Weinstein and Rodda would have shouted it from the rooftops. A party would have ensued. A press release and a promoted Facebook post would have heralded a resounding MRFF victory.
Yet Weinstein and Rodda have been silent. In other words, the US military is ignoring Mikey Weinstein and Chris Rodda. Again. It would seem the MRFF attempt to attack military religious freedom has had the same result as the rest of Weinstein’s track record for much of 2017: Absolutely nothing.
III. Conclusion
In closing, Weinstein’s complaint did not prove the CFP or I did anything wrong—all it proved is that Weinstein hates Christians, and has a historical record of losing religious liberty battles. This is why Christians in the US military must not ever surrender to Weinstein’s demands, or be afraid when he publicly sends demand letters. Weinstein is not making a public spectacle out of the Christians he harasses; on the contrary, he is making a public spectacle of himself.
To service members: We are on the precipice of eternity. When unbelievers die, they will enter into an intermediate state of conscience torment (Luke 16:19-31), where there will be no moderation of mercy. This is why service members who profess God as the one true and living God, and Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity—must pray for Weinstein’s salvation before it is too late (Rev. 20:11-15).
Mikey, repent and believe in the Gospel. This is not a message of hate, but of hope. The only hope that can save you from the wrath of God (2 Thess. 1:8).
Chaplain (Capt) Sonny Hernandez is a US Air Force Reserve Chaplain assigned to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. In April 2015, he was selected as the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Individual Mobilization Augmentee Company Grade Officer of the Year, and in May 2016, he was selected as 445th Airlift Wing CGO of the Quarter, first quarter. Hernandez earned a Doctorate from Tennessee Temple University in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
The opinions expressed here are solely his and do not necessarily represent the views of any government, military, or religious organization. Sonny Hernandez wrote this article as a civilian on his own time on an issue of public interest.
Sonny, if I were Trump, I would make you the new Commandant of USAFA just to anger MRFF.
# Anonymous Imperial Patriot,
Lol.. You know, I would gladly accept if you were, especially since this would afford me the opportunity to share the Gospel with all of the faculty, and students.