President Obama Leaves Office Unpopular with Military

Regardless of individual opinions on particular policy decisions, President George W. Bush was very popular within the US military, largely due to the genuine and sincere care he displayed and very obviously felt for the troops he led. Even after he left office, President Bush continued to serve and visit troops in the hospital — most often without any fanfare whatsoever.

The Military Times has posted the results of a poll that indicates President Barack Obama will leave office with the majority of the US military viewing him “unfavorably” (by wide margins, in some cases). The paper attributes this to

His moves to slim down the armed forces, move away from traditional military might and overhaul social policies prohibiting the service of minority groups have proven divisive in the ranks.

One of the more interesting results:

So much for the narrative that “military readiness” would live or die on the “non-issue” of various sexualities and “equality”.

Graphic by Military Times/Institute for Veterans and Military Families Poll; Devan Feeney/Staff


One comment

  • Anonymous Patriot

    Not surprised by this at all.

    The United States Armed Forces wanted a President that would end the Wars, keep the organization strong, care for their families, and bring the organization into the 21st Century.

    What they got for a President was a limousine-liberal that condescended the military, allowed a sequester, allowed the unmitigated rise of a militaristic Russia and China, tried to create a military hegemony out of Iran, ignored his commanders warnings about Al-Qaeda in Iraq, was completely in-decisive regarding Syria, created unconstitutional burdens on Christian service-members, attempted a moral equivalence between the Crusades and Islamic attacks against service-members at home, delayed development on many military projects, and has used the military as a guinea pig for social justice causes.

    Future generations of America are going to look at the Obama Administration as one of embarrassment. If they are intellectually honest, they’ll label Barack Hussein Obama as a 21st Century Roman Emperor- more concerned with putting his name in the history textbooks than in actually governing the people.