President, US Marines Celebrate National Day of Prayer

US Marines at Cherry Point hosted a National Day of Prayer breakfast (a slight combination of the National Day of Prayer and the National Prayer breakfast, it would seem) last week. The Marines’ commander, Col Chris Pappas, “spoke of the importance of faith” to a crowd of some 200 attendees: 

“It is such an important part of our history,” said Cmdr. David Shirk, command chaplain at Cherry Point. “At some of the most critical times in our nation’s history, when everything was on the line, presidents called for prayer.”

On that topic, President Obama issued the annual proclamation of the National Day of Prayer for May 7, 2015, saying [emphasis added]

When women and men of all backgrounds and beliefs are free to practice their faiths without fear or coercion, it bolsters our religious communities and helps to lift up diverse and vibrant societies throughout our world.  In America, our Nation is stronger because we welcome and respect people of all faiths, and because we protect the fundamental right of all peoples to practice their faith how they choose, to change their faith, or to practice no faith at all, and to do so free from persecution and discrimination.

Given recent controversies over Christian beliefs in the marketplace, some might question whether American citizens can truly adhere to the tenets of their faith without discrimination.