LtGen Mixon: DADT Repeal Opened the Floodgates
LtGen Benjamin Mixon, now retired, was sanctioned by the Department of Defense when he publicly encouraged US military members to contact their congressmen if they opposed the repeal of the policy known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”
In a late summer interview by the Billy Graham Evangelical Association for a longer article, Gen Mixon stood by his original comments and indicated DADT repeal would “open the floodgates” [emphasis added]:
“It was not something I wanted to do, but I felt morally obligated as a soldier, as a Christian and as a senior officer to at least speak out,” Mixon said.
“I felt that once that threshold was crossed, it would simply open the floodgates for other things…which I think is playing out right now.”
General Mixon and others like him have expressed concern that while society still has some limits, as recent events even in the military indicate, how long those standards hold — and the basis upon which they are upheld — remains to be seen.