Report Calls for Transgender Acceptance in US Military
People who are “transgendered” — who believe they are the opposite of their biological gender — remain prohibited from service in the US military. After seeing the success of the homosexual rights movement, however, it should be no surprise to see the “T” in LGBT start to use the same techniques:
Last month, the Chicago-based Palm Center’s Transgender Military Initiative announced it was commissioning 11 studies in a $1.35 million, multi-year project with the specific aim to “inform an important public conversation by providing facts and evidence about how the U.S. armed forces could include transgender troops without undermining readiness…”
One of the studies reportedly funded by the grant will be “Understanding Aspects of Transgender Medical Accommodation and Care in the U.S. Military.” Given that the Palm Center’s goal is to “promote” those lifestyles, the results of those $1.35M studies is probably a foregone conclusion.
Similarly, a Harvard study was published that “documented” the hardships of serving as a transgendered person in the US military. Not-so-subtly titled “Still Serving in Silence,” the report clearly aims to borrow the narrative of homosexuals to obtain “rights” for those who want to be “accepted” in their choice of gender.
Currently, the US military has said such individuals are “medically disqualified” — and even some transgendered individuals have acknowledged potential difficulties.
Former US Army Pvt Bradley Manning is the most public face of transgendered individuals in the military, which likely detracts from the argument that transgendered individuals can serve without undermining readiness, as the Palm Center would like to prove.
This turn of events was, of course, predicted even as DADT was being repealed by both critics and religious leaders, and has been discussed by transgender advocates several times since then.