• Yes, a memorandum telling a unit it is “tasked with” a detail just screams voluntary. I have copies of both the email that the soldiers received and the memorandum that was attached to it and NOTHING in either gives even the slightest hint that this was voluntary or that there were other service projects that the soldiers choose instead. Of course Fort Gordon is going to say after the fact that it was voluntary. That’s predictable. Once again, JD is writing about something that he knows absolutely nothing about, not having seen the email or the memorandum that the soldiers received.

  • @Chris Rodda
    Ah, the “I have proof of the second shooter on the grassy knoll but I can’t show it to you” defense. That’s convincing. Or not. You lost what credibility you might have had in August 2011.

    Your statements change nothing about the discussion above. If you want to publicize additional data to the contrary, feel free to do so.

  • Having been to Fort Gordon numerous times for various leadership courses, I can say with no uncertain terms, I hate the place. It is a training base and during my many months spent there leaning the Army Signal trade I have determined it is a place that I am glad I will no longer have to visit as a military professional. My problems with FG however, are more in line with the Signal RNCOA and the required community services, less so than programatic requirements from FG itself. The “memorandums” that Rodda speaks of if they are from the RNCOA, are actually generated by the student leadership of each class, it is part of the curriculum. There is quite extensive list of places in which community service can be conducted and it is usually chosen from that list by the person who is the class leader at that particular time. As the Army is not a democracy, it is generally just accepted by the class unless there is an issue that is raised and at that point it is either resolved within the class or taken to the Small Group Leader, a member of the RNCOA.

    I would like to assume the original email to Justin was just a misguided attempt at gaining some insight to how to 1) make a complaint, 2) resolve it, and 3) go about gathering the information that would be needed to lodge and defend such a complaint. I say misguided because this soldier, if he is truly a leader, would not have needed to look at such a barracks lawyer as Justin, but would have used the resources of the academy he was attending and properly researched what needed to be done. This is a classic example of one ill-prepared leader seeking the assistance of yet another whose only recourse is to try and take things outside the system in order to resolve them. This should have never been put in the hands of a civilian organization, it should have been dealt with at the lowest levels and escalated through the already available processes. In my mind it shows the immaturity of our upcoming leaders in the Army that it had to go that route. When presented with a similar situation while attending SLC at FG just a couple of years ago, it never even made it to the SGL, it was dealt with professionally within the class. I dont know maybe that was the last class of real leaders within the Signal Corps.

    Before Chris Rodda fires off at me, I am a career military member, I am stationed at Fort Bragg, I am a Secular Humanist and I have been embarrassed by the Secular community that aligns itself with military when it was under the leadership of Justin. I have high hopes for the new leadership, I do believe they are going to allow this group to take off the way they it should. In my opinion it is a gross misrepresentation of your military career to advertise yourself as a foxhole atheist when you have never been in a true combat zone nor actually had a chaplain share your foxhole with you (been there, done that) as well as give piss poor guidance to a fellow soldier who obviously does not understand the process themselves. As a military professional, the first recourse should never be to take the issue outside, it should start at the lowest levels and work its way forward, all the way to the IG or Congressperson if need be. It should not be to lodge your complaint with an organization that is out for its own agenda. It demonstrates a distinct lack of maturity in their leadership.