Man Jailed for Trying to Sell Jet to Iran

Marc Knapp was sentenced to 46 months in prison for trying to sell an F-5 and various F-14 parts to Iran.

Prosecutors said Knapp…was motivated by both greed and a hatred of the United States. Assistant U.S. Attorney David Hall said Knapp told an undercover agent that he was starting to hate America and wanted to “level the playing field” with Iran.

Defense attorney Christopher Koyste said the statements Knapp made were “puffery.” 

“He was playing a role of what he expected,” Koyste said.

Apparently Knapp had obtained some of the items on the internet.

Other items Knapp tried to either sell or ship overseas in violation of U.S. law included an F-14 ejection seat, five flight suits that mitigate G-forces, four survival radios and an F-14 emergency operations manual…

“The fact that a G-suit is obtained from eBay does not mean it is not criminal activity to sell it to Iran,” Hall said.

Guess what they say about not believing everything you read on the internet — or selling stuff from the internet to Iran — remains true.