Fort Hood Freedom Fest Headliner Offends?

Fort Hood recently hosted its “Freedom Fest.”  No, not the Fort Bragg atheist event that temporarily used the same name; this was the Independence Day celebration.  By all accounts it was a rousing success.  Due to fire bans across Texas, Fort Hood had one of the only fireworks displays in the region.  Around 100,000 were expected to have attended.

In the past, some have taken issue with the US military having “Christian” musicians or bands at similar events.  Apparently, they are concerned about exposing troops and their families to edifying or God-honoring lyrics.

Few people seem to have any problem when the opposite is the case.  The musical act at Fort Hood’s Freedom Fest was the Cherry Poppin’ Daddies.  Once controversial just because of their name, the ever-popular Wikipedia describes their lyrics this way:

Alcoholism, mortality, sex, class struggle and family dysfunction are recurring themes in [their] lyrics, often dealt with satirically. The Register-Guard has described [their] lyrics as “ribald [and] often despairing”, “[probing] the underbelly of society, stabbing at oppressors such as…the pressure to conform”.  [Ironic, given his military audience. -ed.]

While the Daddies have been criticized for juxtaposing lurid subject matter and profanity with jazz and swing music, The New York Times has lauded Perry’s lyricism as “vivid poetry” containing “an inventiveness missing from the other swing bands’ lyrics”.

Prime “family” entertainment, apparently.

Of course, no one was obligated to attend, and while some likely felt the concert was inappropriate for themselves or their families, they were content to let others be entertained.  Naturally, despite the content, no one complained.  Then again, the same has been true for concerts of Christian artists, yet people have complained…