In Defense of Religious Freedom

In several articles on this site, the premise has been repeated that true religious freedom is not the suppression of differing ideas, but the encouragement of them.  Sometimes this is a cautionary tale to Christians who feel that other religions should not have the same freedoms as Christians.  More often, however, it is a rebuttal to those who would silence or restrict Christians in order to avoid offense or exposure to a differing moral stance.

Hugh Hewitt has a similar explanation on his site, in his criticisms of those who criticized CBS for allowing Tim Tebow and his mother to air a “Celebrate Life” ad during the SuperBowl:

Most people of faith are strong proponents of religious liberty because they are very acquainted with the stories of religious persecution in almost every other part of the globe.  The answer to religious intolerance is more religious speech welcomed by free and open societies, not the censorship of small minded secularists.  Bravo to Tebow and his mom, and to those who support his witness.  Those who oppose it have no faith in freedom and especially not in the First Amendment, both in its protections for religious belief and for free expression.

His last sentence is particularly poignant.  If they are allowed to flourish, freedoms are self-sustaining; the restriction of freedoms leads to their demise.  As has been quoted here, Jefferson said that the truth will prevail, so long as she is not disarmed of her “natural weapons: free argument and debate.”  Those who insist on restricting religious freedom aren’t protecting anyone from an “untruth;” they are simply afraid of their ability to prove their “truth” using those same freedoms.

One comment

  • Obama’s desire to repeal “Don’t ask, don’t tell” can actually help to fulfill the “days of Lot” (Luke 17, cf. Gen. 19), the fulfillment of which will hurry up the return of the Heavenly Commander-in-Chief who will make all things straight (pun intended)! Interesting Google articles include “Obama Supports Public Depravity,” “Separation of Raunch and State” and “David Letterman’s Hate Etc.”
    For some dessert visit Yahoo and type in “Obama Avoids Bible Verses.”
    PS – You’re invited to use these new pro-life slogans: “Unborn babies should have the right to keep and bear arms – and legs and ears and eyes etc.!” and “Unborn babies should have the same right to be born alive that abortionists had!”