Religious Freedom and American Government

CNN carried an article on Wednesday about Vice President Biden’s “stimulus oversight meeting.”  Neither the article nor the accompanying photo caption mentioned what many noticed in the photo. 

Biden is a professed Catholic, and he evidently observed Ash Wednesday.  Even though he is Vice President of the United States, and even though he was acting in his official capacity in front of the world, he is Constitutionally guaranteed the right to religious free exercise.

The same is true for members of the military.  On an internet forum, one user asked “Are Catholic Soldiers allowed to leave the Ashes on their forehead while in uniform?”  Just as with Biden, the answer is yes.  While there is no official policy on Ash Wednesday, in order to prohibit the ashes the military would need to demonstrate that the “accommodation [would] have an adverse impact on military readiness, unit cohesion, standards, or discipline.”  There are situations in which the military could legitimately restrict the practice; as a general rule, it rarely, if ever, does so.  (See Religion and the Military and DoDD 1300.17.)

In the past, some have complained that outward signs of Christianity by government (or military) officials in America may make other nations think we’re “crusaders” or may inspire acts of terrorism against us.  Might a soldier’s expression of religion, while in uniform, be negatively perceived in some corners of the world?  Perhaps, just as with the Vice President’s; but how much liberty should we sacrifice for security (or, more accurately, to prevent offense)?  While we should certainly be cognizant of cultural perceptions, we should be hesitant to let foreign opinions dictate American liberties.

Photo credit: Getty Images/CNN.

One comment

  • It is a shame Mr. Biden could not help a white child who wanted to attend Delaware public schools but was told by school administrators that he was not allowed to go to his classes and could only use the nurse’s restroom because he reported being threatened daily due to his race.
    Biden’s office along with every other politician I contacted about this segregation against my son gave me the same story, Sorry there is nothing I can do.
    People should not defend an america that allows this type of segregation to continue against one race after it was decided to be wrong when it was used against african americans in the 1960s.
    My son suffered PTSD and was treated for two years due to this and has threatened suicide if I can’t sell my home before Sept and he has to go back to Delaware schools.